Spotting between period?

I get this spotting more or less a week after my period. It usually starts out as sort of brownish but afterwards it turns a little more rosy. It's usually sort of like mucus beside a little blood contained by it. It usually lasts until my tangible period starts again and the cycle starts over. It's be going on for about 3 months. I've just had my interval for 1 1/2 years and it hasn't regulated yet. I'm not on birth control and I'm not pregnant. Is this a serious problem? I've already programmed a gynecologist appointment.

IMPLANON too close?

It most likely is not serious and it is a fitting thing you hold scheduled an appointment near your gynaecologist -- s/he will be able to confirm what the problem is because this is not typical. I used to have equal problem in my unpaid teens / early twenties, and single after it was accompany by pain did I bother to see a doctor around it. (In my case the bleeding be caused by cysts, little growths that are reasonably common and nil too concerning; the pain be because the cysts were starting to verbs.) I should have gone nearer and you are doing the right thing going presently rather than waiting until it become a problem.

Definitely talk to your gynaecologist roughly whether or not there is distress, and when the pain is. If your spell is painful and you necessitate to take ibuprofin to brand it out of bed, if you regularly vomit at the start of your period, if you consistency menstrual pain when you are spotting.

I am not a doctor but I play one on TV ;-) no I don't. But as expertise is power and it is good to enjoy an idea what the doctor is looking for when s/he see you, you may want to read a bit on endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome (links below). Both are quite frequent, especially among women contained by the "developed world", both can cause fertility problems and both are usually treated single when the woman wants to become pregnant -- something to be precise probably quite a long path off for you.

Good luck and don't be timorous, you'll be fine.

HELP ME! se* help?

omg same here..idk what is though....

I'm panicky I'm not sure what to do, should I come out now that it's getting frozen to hide by breasts?

If you are sexually busy, you should head to the doctor and see what's going on. It could be (God forbid) something serious that desires treatment. If you are not sexually active, you can any choose to see a doctor or just dally it out until your periods regulate themselves. If you do see a doctor, probability are he/she will put you on birth control to regulate your period. Hope I help!

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