What is wrong? on pill and missed period but havent have sex for a while?

i am also on the pill (cilest) which i have be taken for over a yera and havent had any problems i hold always have my bleed during the pill free weeks, however during the last week i have a stomach bug and not knowign i finshed the pack and had the pill free week and didnt bleed when looking over the medical handout that comes with the pills it say if you have a stomach bug within the last 7 days of taking the pill to verbs and start the new month but i never did also i probably havent have sex with my bf for in the order of 3 weeks which we used a condom towards the end until that time he cummed. so i dont think i could be pregant i also missed 6 of the pills within the last month.

could i be pregant?
could the stomach bug prevented my bleed?

please facilitate im really confused and worried

Help.with inverted nipples!!!?

Sometimes when you're sick it can affect your period, i've had that appear before. But you also don't want to steal any chances. So I'd draw from checked out just to be sure.

Female assistance?! please.?

Well, you can never know he might have shot couple of drops inside earlier completely finishing in the condom!
but some times due to hormonal changes( you didn't mention your age) its late few days, also since you missed the pills this doesn't nouns good, the best is to hold the test and avoid waiting for symptoms.

Period serve?

Go see your doctor regardless of what answers you get here, but if you missed pills it's exceedingly likely you couldv'e gotten pregnant even if you used a condom toward the downfall. Also, did you know that the pre-ejaculation (the stuff that comes out before the ACTUAL stuff) can achieve u pregnant too? It could be the mix up with the bug, but I would come up with it isn't. I missed only a few of my pills and not consecutively any and my husband and I used condems and still got pregnant beside our daughter...

I would like to know can the morning after pill affect your period and fertility?

go and see the doctor, to get checked. Or seize home pregnancy kit if your that worried.

Can pap smears detect ovary abnormailities such as cysts, ovarian cancer, etc.?

its probibly the certainty that u have have a bug playing havoc with ur body and stressing just about it is making it worse dont worry too much it will come

Whenever i turn to get a syringe i always discern faint and could by a hair`s breadth keep myself up. Is that mundane? My friends?

Thats how I got here. My mom took the placebo pills on the wrong week. Try getting on the nuvaring. You put it in and it stays in attendance for 3 weeks, and then you pocket it out to have your interval week. Its 99.9% effective if you use it correctly. Its sturdy to mess that one up.

My daily multivitamin is making me nausious! What should i do?

your best bet is to do a check.
you could be late due to stress and missing the pill on a few occasion. you could always turn and se your gp and he would be able to check
try not to verbs

Lamictal= disruption of menstruation?

pre-ejaculatory fluids before someone cums can contain sperm and carry you pregnant. RECCOMENDATION- check to make sure wether your pregnant or not

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