Period problems.?

i have be having problems beside my period. ive be irregular.
last year i one and only had two. one within january and one in august. i know that i am not pregant. i call for some advice.

I bring back horny a lot?

Go see a doctor and maube even alternative medicine like accupuncture and reiki.

A friend of mine didn't hold her period for 6 months. She go for one reiki session and got her length later that sunshine. It's been regular since.

Spots in between my breasts?

Go see your doctor. It could be endometriosis. It is a amazingly common problem i.e. treatable. Your doc will be able to integer out what is happening and know how to prescribe you with a tablets or a routine to get your extent back on track. Good luck!

Are birth control pills bleak for you?

You could go to a home doctor but they'll most likely supply you little advice beyond birth control if you want to take your period regular. I would recommend seeing an acupuncturist. Acupuncturist will not put on on hormones or something that will revision anything other than your time of year... if you are open to trying something trial and something that really works then Acupuncture is the track to go. I would find someone base on if they accept insurance, maybe you can call your insurance company so they can bring up to date you if it's covered. Then do a search contained by your area, and unsophisticatedly anyone that has studied herb is the best bet. Good luck! I've been studying acupuncture for 6 months very soon and am postive it is the best route to go when dealing beside dysmenorrhea!

Is this true?

That looks kind of serious you know... My guidance would be to go see a gynecologist. Looks close to you need some professional insight. Good Luck!

Okay this is kinda embaricing to read out but I just started my peroid what features of pads should I use?

See your doctor to rule out any problems, but some women simply have irregular period. Your dr. can put you on hormonal supplements if you want, but it isn't necessary. I hold heard of some women singular having approaching 5 their whole lives. Just bring it checked out to be on the safe side.

Bumps contained by the vaginal area??

try taking birth control...they will regulate your time of year.

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