Please help me!?

ok so i enjoy this discomfort that feel approaching cramps and its pretty unpromising but i KNOW its not my length. only just believe me.i know. so what else could it be?


Im really skinnny?

perchance not drinking plenty sea, i go and get cramps also when I drink profoundly of soda

My wife, close to most sexually experienced women, much prefers a circumcised mannish for sex. Say why you agree?

um.. where on earth contained by ur stomach is the headache? if its contained by the right lower.. it could be ur u enjoy any other symptoms?

Was put on prometrium because of 3 months next to no time?

when you grasp bladder infections sometimes they can spread to your kidneys, cause u to draw from pains in your sie but probably not. might of late be a urinary tract infection i get alike article.

If you cut your vaginal lip, is nearby any prospect of hymen broke?

well as girls we own to drink alot of milk so conceivably its that when i be close to 12 (i already have my time support then) capably i detested milk and never drank it so i other get cramps specifically probably what u hold

For Women single?

Gas pains? Hungry? Is your tummy growling?

Are you still a virgin?

you are undersupplied of vitamin C, Zinc and magnesium.

Girls.Please answer?

hmmm acetylsalicylic sharp is really righteous for citizens; try aspirin, anything is going on you'll hold smaller amount heart disease risk

I am not a doctor; I'd read the sign scrupulously; if you know its not your length because you are pregnant after aspirin might be against sticky label directions

If you know anyone specifically pregnant you might enjoy them read

It consultation give or take a few choline n breastfeeding making kids cleverer n better competent to navigate society; to be exact enjoy social mobility

i hold started to exercise and enjoy be intake better but i enjoy gain some wieght?

Whereabouts is this torment, exactly? Because it could be various things depending on where on earth it is, approaching your appendix or merely gas pains.

It might be a honest hypothesis to ask your mum around it if you haven't already - she might know or know how to furnish you something for the niggle. And if it persist, and is still in attendance surrounded by a sunshine or so, it would be a pious concept to capture checked over by your doctor. It could be something that we can't diagnose short seeing you.

Hope you go and get all right soon x

is this ordinary? does it come about to anyone else.?

could be a cyst, or you could be similar to me this month and bleeding for no point. Maybe you hold a stomach flu. Here is the theory test. Take some aleve, if it help suddenly than something is inflamed in that region. Take some pepto bismol, if it help, later you hold a stomach issue. Take some tylenol, if it help next it is probably neither of the above. Take some ibuprofin and if it help, afterwards it could be related to something inflamed or some stomach issue.

And, as you would expect it would be wrong for me not to say-so this, since I don't know what your experiences are, but it could be an STD. Best entity to do is hang about it out a few days and if nought change, see the doctor.

What can I do to prevent my arm from hurting after getting a shot or blood check?

Depending on any other symptoms you enjoy it could be several different things. Maybe a bladder infection or constipation.

Wellits features of emberassing to ask?

maby you obligation to poop. sometimes durring practice or working out and i obligation to drop a nouns, i win cramps at hand. try some x lax.
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