Period.. 2 Days Early.. But "Different"
Answers: its because it is maybe a warning thaat its going to come and the "eggwhite" as you name it is probably a discharge... there are lots of different types of discharge.... this may help
White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompany by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.
Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.
Clear and runny: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly starchy after exercising.
Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or have a foul odor.
Brown: May happen right after periods, and is a short time ago "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.
Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may occur when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes early within pregnancy you may have spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your period would typically come. If you have spotting at the time of your normal extent rather than your usual amount of flow, and you have have sex without using birth control, you should check a pregnancy test.".
If you miss pills, it screw up the level of hormones in your body. This can trigger breakthrough bleeding. (Same item happens when you stop taking active pills and start taking inoperative sugar pills during the week of your period.) Missing pills also can make the pill smaller quantity effective, so be sure to use a backup method and try to be more regular with your pills within the future...or try a different birth control method instead that works better for you. It could have be a miscarriage of some kind. Large clots are usually that..
hopefullly thats not like spotting you know?
thats not mundane go see a doctor.
kinda sound close to your pregnant...cause i love ya...hehe it could be a number of things, u could be merely experiencing signs of early period,hence the color reading light reddish color, but the white egg white consisitency is usually a sign that you are ovulating, but if u said that your period is supposed to come within 2 days then u shouldn't be ovulating this late, are u sure it's an eggwhite consistency? and not a sticky slightly yellowish consistency, b/c their's a big difference surrounded by the two, if u experience the yellowish sticky consistency, then i will say for sure ur period's close on its channel, but for u to see the eggwhite consisitency then it means that you are probably ovulating, which will motivation your period to come rather slow this month.either way check it out near a doctor to be absolutely sure hun, GL to you!