Why hold imissed a period ..if i havent done anything i chomp through alot of chile and iam skinny...alot of stress.?
Biggest reason to miss a extent is pregnancy but if you have not have sex, stress is also a reason and have a bad diet could contribute to that too. If you discern that you are skinny or your heart beats brisk, it may be an idea to get hold of checked out for hyperthyroidism which is too much thyroid hormone and causes irregular/missed period.
The flaming hot stuff will not keep your length away, stress however does.
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Stress can make your length delayed. I have be over a month late until that time, but eventually it came and is posterior on schedule.Have you have unprotected sex? If you have, you could be pregnant.
If you enjoy lost weight lately that could be another apology.
If you started your period for the first time surrounded by your life purely recently later it is normal for you to miss period.
From what you've said it is probably just stress.
if you are small or play sports that may be a cause?
You said you are skinny? Very bare women can miss their periods, because their body think that they are too thin to know how to get pregnant. Stress can also be a factor. Or possibly you are just exceptionally young and it's common to have irregular period.
stress or if u jus started
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