
My Cousin who is also 17 has only been diagonsed beside eplipsy. Everyone is devasted but I don't under adjectives the facts about it, Such as - What cause it? What can happen? How Do You Get it? Please transpire with as much information as you know please

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Epilepsy is a more or less common disorder beside myriad causes, including inheritance, trauma, metabolic diseases, injury after infection and, of course, unknown cause.

I don't know what part of the country you're surrounded by, but most large medical centers will own a group to help assistance for patients with epilepsy. I've posted a intermingle to one such group.

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As far as I know it runs surrounded by families, but its create is still poorly understood (other than that neurons step haywire firing nerve impulses). Sometimes it can be slickly controlled with medication (which can have fundamentally definite side effects), but sometimes not - sometimes surgery works, sometimes not. In short, near aren't any easy answers. Wikipedia will know how to tell you a carnival amount.

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Epilepsy affects everyone differently. SOme people can still drive others not. Some those get siezures occasionally, others several times a daylight. There are medicines that lend a hand to avoid having seizeures. It purely depends. Usually the person can swot to feel when a fit is coming on and get themselves to a out of danger space. There are many groups that can donate you more information. I think the hardest segment is some people don't want to progress in public anymore because it is embarassing for them to hold a seizure. The best is to show them that it is adjectives and ok, educate the general public around them so they won't be scared when it happen, and maybe find hot hobbies. My friend was taking a pilots liscence but have to stop. He did continue beside scuba diving though. The main risk is hurting yourself while falling so if those around recognize rash warning signs they can support the entity and help them sit down. Also after a paroxysm some people are a bit 'spacey'. Being merciful, non- judgmental and supportive is the best you can be.

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Hi there
I am a 56 yr old woman who does not enjoy any record of Epilepsy within the family so don't perceive that it is hereditary. 2 yrs ago (in my sleep) I have a mild seizure and afterwards another 1 or 2 in the subsequent week. I went to the doctor who considered necessary to check out all the possible reason for my seizures...........did I hold a temperature or virus? Did I hold an adverse reaction to some medication I was taking? Did I own any kind of brain tumour that be causing this? Nothing be found and when you have more than 2 seizure and they can find no other reasons to end in the seizures consequently they call it Epilepsy. It's primarily one of those neurological disorders that they haven't figured out contained by the medical profession yet. I lost my driver's license for one year (the extent of time you must go minus a seizure). Fortunately there are lots drugs on the market that stop most of the seizure people own (and there are moderately a variety of paroxysm types).
It is a disorder that can be controlled but not cured (at least not yet). I in a minute have my license stern, and am on drugs that I will likely transport for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, Epilepsy is o;ne of those disorders that (for some reason) freaks populace out and they don't like to make conversation about it..........it's really no biggie for me anymore:)

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My son has epilepsy and be not diagnosed until age 16 although we had suspected something be wrong several years prior.
It effects everyone differently so you have to assess your own travel case independently with your doctor.
There are petty malls, splendid malls, and several other types of seizures. My son is competent to control the seizures next to medication but the medication has tremendous side effects such as the skilfulness to function normally. The thought process is severely compromised by the drugs. He have trouble gaining weightiness, muscles that athletes would adorn, and other such effects.
It is cause by many different things, can be contained in some by drug psychotherapy (such as my son), surgery, and other means. Some folks will hold seizures no event what treatment they under travel and some need to wear helmets to protect their head as the seizures can be exceptionally violent. What ever you do, NEVER and I repeat myself, Never put your appendage or fingers in their mouth while seizing! If you do, expect traumatic consequences to what ever you stuck within their! Folks with epilepsy hold bitten their tounges clean sour!
It's a very serious medical problem and every forgiving needs to discuss his/her armour independently with their treating neurologist!
I don't ponder medical science has determined it's cause other than they know some of the cases develop from inheritance while others from trauma.
It does have the potential to murder a victim and does so within many instances where on earth the patient is unconscious they have it or for other cause also.
Hope this sheds some insight but the best information will come from the patients OWN doctor!

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i hav epilepsy & it doesnt run contained by the family. u simply get it & i dont exactly kno y but wat happen is like u hav a fit & just 4 similar to 30 seconds or so ur heart & brain stops listen 2 wat ur trying 2 tell it 2 do & its kinda close to ur goin crazy most of the time once u get elder u stop having seizure.

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I've have eplipsy since I was three, they don't know what cause mine so they cant do surgery. While others know what causes nearby, when I get mine I usually enjoy signs of a really bad organizer ache, nausua(sp?) and yes this is chance but my dog follows me around like everywhere he probably senses it. When I hold it I dont know it till I wake up any in the hospital or the ambulance and I cant remember who I am or who anyone else is for a few minutes...its really upsetting and I hate it. I also grasp "seizure activity" which is approaching me talking within my sleep or like sleep walking. Is he on a med? I hold depakote.

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I have have epilepsy since i was 5. I be on medication that controlled it(most of the time). The biggest thing that you can do for him is be supportive, and don' t tolerate him get pushed around. People (most) mis-understand what epilepsy is and they settle. DON"T LET THAT HAPPEN! It has happen to me and it was awful! Ask me anymore question you have! I know simply about everything in the region of epilepsy

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You are no different than anyone else. Even relations who think they become conscious can't understand totally. The basis is different for every epileptic. They can range from inheritance to a bad nose-dive or a tumor. I have have mine since age 2 and still noone knows the do. We also react differently during a tremor. There are different types. Sometimes a person will merely stare off into space for a few second or mumble. Some epileptics will fall and dance into convulsions for a minute or so. Most types of epilepsy are controllable with fit medications. Don't verbs too much,but a site that can help you both is www.epilepsyfoundation.org They will even be capable of refer you to other sites if necessary. Keep your chin up.

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I've be born with epilepsy and enjoy been on of late about every drug that there is to pilfer for that. From petit mal
seizures where on earth you will end up looking at anything they seen for the the hour or possibly less to Grand Mal seizure where you cannot control any muscle within your body. I fell out of a tree during a seizure breaking my right arm in partially. The only well-mannered part in the region of that was because of the appropriation I didn't feel a entry.
I remember climbing the tree but, didn't come around until I was contained by the hospital. Different things can cause a appropriation from
being too blissful, worrying too much, depression or just thinking too much. If a thought tries to dance through the affected member of the brain and not being competent to complete the process will cause a paroxysm. Sometimes there won't be anything you can do. I took pills for years before have brain surgery.
I know sounds stupid but, I was at my wits appendage and I knew if
I be going to try to live a normal go It had to be done. I was
told it would not solitary stop the seizures, I also wouldn't own to
take anymore tablets. After the surgery the seizures did stop but, I have to keep taking the meds which wasn't anything to complain in the order of because it actually stopped the seizure completely! I have be seizure free since 1994! With some those the medicine will work so if the pills works for your cousin go that course. I would suggest either you or your cousin look up your kith and kin tree to seewhere it came from. I
can also enlighten you that my nephew was diagnosed beside epilepsy
2 years ago and it made me feel so guilty I couldn't stand it!
I know near isn't anything I can do but part of me still feel guilty. I was told it come from my Great Grandmother on my Dad's side of the family.

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