Is taking two flinstones chweable vitamins (a day) bleak?

cuz i take 2 of them a daytime (at once) instead of one...
Is this bad within any way?

p.s. I'm 12

Do you bleed when you hold sex for the first time?

No, that's not bad. Vitamins are vitamins. They are worthy for you. Plus, they are for kids your age and younger. You should stop taking them when you are 13. Try ones that are for teenagers! They taste really appropriate, and some of them are gummi! =] I love Flinstones vitamins...they taste similar to candy!! ^_^

Umm growth problem?

I hope you know they put meth in those.

Is 32 B small for a 14 year elderly who's 104lbs and 5'3?

2 instead of 1 won't hurt you in this bag.

How long do you have to be on the pill past you know it is in your system and it is not detrimental to have sex?

nah it wont hurt u...i use 2 chomp through them like candy fund in the afternoon, they are pretty good, huh? lol

When will my subsequent period be?

No its not. At ages approaching this, it is very considerable to get sufficient vitamins and minerals to grow, and whenever you give somebody a lift in too lots vitamins, all that happen is ou poop them out.

Okay i need facilitate with Tampons!?

nope. that roughly speaking right :]]

i think in that are reccomended ammounts to take on the put money on of the label. 2 sounds fine :]

High hormone even progesterone?

In a word, NO, it is not bad you're probably doing better than most.

What can effect swelling of the vagina after intercourse?

how cute. just read the instructions and do as they enunciate

Is it ok to swim with a tampon surrounded by?

no the only article that can happen is that your pee get more yellow than usual. unless you are taking the ones near extra iron then i wouldn't bring more than one because you can od from too much iron consumption.

just don't nick half the bottle!

Had sex unprotected & condom. want it again but on extent,can I stop it? How soon can U ovulate get pregnant?

No but at you age it would not do much well brought-up.You need a stronger vitamins.

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