What do you think is the effect of cancer?
I infer its a virus, like that HPV item that causes cervical cancer. Of course, Im not a doctor or a scientist, so Im freshly speculating. But the way a virus works is it hijack your cell's dna to make more virus's. It could be that the virus be defective, and instead of changing the cell dna to kind more viruses, it only just mutated the dna and caused mutated cell.
But I dont know for sure, it just make sense to me. lol
Bad Luck!
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the industrial revolutionThe major cause is the Persticide used surrounded by the Agriculture products, since it harm us the lot and populace use it to make more money.
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in adjectives our bodies there are cell called the cancer cell tat are not active but abiding biological stumulents like tobaco u.v raysetc call carcinogens tend to stimulate them. an of course contained by some heritable cases t reason is not set. the cancer cels donot have t termination an they hang on to on muuuuuulitplying wotout a stop which at a point blocks blood flow< arteries etc do nt function> so this leads to blood vomitin<some case> an thus is fatalas t sayin go 'PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE' one must aviod all types of carcinogens close to tobbaco ,cigerate ,etc to live healthy an long....................
Going against spirit.
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