Hey, umm...i satrted my time of year in june 2006 and i havent have it since october i havent had it since after?

i havent had my time of year since oct i mean i have it in oct but not since afterwards is that normal iom merely 12

Could my washing powder be irritating my vagina?

It can be, you should probably confer to a parent about it. Also if you own lost any weight or are fear really stressed that can stop your peirod from being "normal". Girls that own a very low precentage of body chubby will often hold irregular periods. But adjectives in adjectives you should talk to your mom in the region of it if you can. Moms and daughters usually have equal peirod cycles, she my be irreguar also.

Continuous bleeding from the uterus after a sudden jerk?

being so babyish, yes it's normal. if things don't start up within the subsequent few months, tell your mom. she will set you up next to an appointment with a gynecologist, and your gyno will recount you everything you need to know.

Good Luck!

Ive a road trip tommorw+ a spell?

Yes, it is normal within the first year to have irregularities. Especially for someone your age. I wouldn't verbs too much about it. It should regulate once the first year pass.

Can anyone tell me in the region of recovering from liposuction of outer thighs?

When you first start your period it is remarkably unpredictable your best bet is to make sure you hold something with you when you can.

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