Ladies, relate me your experiences beside Impalanon.?

I am thinking about getting Implanon. I've read all more or less it and talked to my doctor but I'd like hear from those of you that hold actually had/have it. What was/is it like for you? Have you have more or less bleeding? What about cramping? Would you recommend it for other?

Ladies give a hand me please?

I enjoy had 3 implanons now. I love them. I give attention to that some people love it and some people abominate it, just like every medication. I hold had no side effects apart from irregular bleeding. Which to me, is worth it. When i have have the irregular bleeding, my periods were so street lamp that they were barely perceptible and they lasted for around 3 days a month. With my second implanon, i didnt have a time of year for 2 years, which was great. I have solely had my third in for a month presently and so far so good. I dont think i will ever use another type of contraception. It is so great that you can enjoy it inserted then not have to give attention to about it for 3 years. I recommend it to everyone.

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I like mine, for some family they lose their period all together but for others it become lighter... I didn't have mine b/4 nor do I now (you can still discern the process though) I don't cramp much at all anymore but the mood swings are there (though not as bad). have it done wasn't that bad, just don't look. they numb up everything genuine good. The ultimate + is that I don't own to remember to take a stupid pill once a day and it can be removed at any time b4 your 3 yrs are up.

I have need of comfort next to the girl areas :O?

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