Do i own a yeast infection PLEASE HELP!!?

ok so im 16 (not sexually active)and ive had what i suggest is a yeast infection for a month now .it started out only itching then my vagina started to burn so i bought monistat7 and the burning and some of the itching go away.the thick,white discharge also go vagina was and is still pinker than usual and here are bumps inside my vagina flaps and also scale type bumps kinda similar to in a redish patch on my lower vagina,around my vagina are bumps also.please someone who have experienced this or is a doctor tell me what i own and how to cure it im freaking out and cant stop worrying..i already know i need to see a doctor but i cant let somebody know my mom she'll think i enjoy aids or something..can this be from shaving? i also wear tight clothes alot.just someone aid!

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Look, your mom will NOT reason you have AIDS. Women catch inbalances and it not shameful or your fault. Jeez.

You could hold shaving irritation. You could have gotten a adjectives bacterial infection when you treated your yeast infection, you could have a fungal infection, you could be allergic to doesn`t matter what it is you are washing next to or shaving with, etc. Go see a doctor for glory's sake. Wear cotton underwear and loose clothes. Get wet clothes bad fast since high temperature and wetness can bring on any of the above. Seriously, see a doctor. You should not be uncomfortable for a month and not a soul is going to think you did any item wrong. At 16 you should have a gynecologist anyway and your mom doesn't call for to know what goes on between you and the doc unless you want her to. It is call the Privacy Act. So...see someone, okay? You should get tested so you can win treated and be on with your festive life instead of walking around worried and humiliated.

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More than a yeast infection dear, and it won't budge away by itself. You have to see a doctor. The longer you continue the worse it will get.

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Talk to your mother, she know that a gyn will be able to convey if you are still a virgin so you have no verbs of her thinking you are sexually active. Then see a Dr. right away, it sounds similar to you may have have a yeast infection but did not receive the right treatment or treat it for the right length of time. Sometimes a Urinary Tract Infection can burn when urinating and cause small bumps surrounded by the vaginal region. But please. talk to your mom, that's what moms' are for. Take comfort!

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It does sound approaching you had a yeast infection beside the itchyness and white cottage cheese like discharge, but if you own never had a yeast infection and this would be your first, you should hold gone to a GYNO instead of going out and buying Monistat.

As for the little bumps and red patch, I would definately see a doctor now. Tell him/her that you have a vaginal yeast infection and that you used the Monistat 7 brand. That could be the cause for the investigational symptoms you have presently.


It sounds like you have a yeast infection, but you're still having irritation..

I used to catch recurrent yeast infections...and sometimes the treatment for that would motive a bacterial infection, which must be treated with oral antibiotics. The tight clothes are probably not helping much at this point...cause more irritation. The shaving can cause little red bumps (razor burn), and little bumps that look similar to pimples from infected hair follicles...especially within skin creases.

Your mom shouldn't think you hold AIDS. Bacterial infections after treatment of a fungal (yeast) infection actually is more adjectives than you'd think.

If you own a planned parenthood close by, you should know how to get an exam within (being 16 in some states will allow the exam without parent notification) and return with treatment for whatever is going on down in attendance.

Planned Parenthood is NOT just for preventing pregnancy...I've specified women to go near when they cannot afford other docs because of no insurance for their Paps, birth control pills...or if you have a Women's Health Clinic immediate.

But you should probably talk to your mom. My mom be the weirdest when I was your age...and deeply hard to sermon to...but she would have unspoken if I had some sort of feminine problem that needed to be looked at by a doctor, especially if it was cause me the discomfort you sound close to you have. If it is a lesser bacterial infection, the only course to be sure is to see a doctor so they can run a quick question paper and get you treatment near antibiotics.

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