Pregnancy quiz!! NEED ANSWER!?

Can I be pregnant if my cervix is open? I hear its supposed to shut if you're pregnant, but how soon after you become pregnant? Me & my bf had anal sex, he rubbed my anus after inserted his fingers into my vagina,[sorry, tmi] but could i be pregnant from this if the sperm was within anus longer than 10 minutes?

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Sperm can survive for up to a week in liquid. If your partner have semen or pre-come on his fingers and then inserted them into your vagina later it is possible that you could be pregnant, likewise if some of his semen trickled down historic the vagina when you were done.

A single drop of pre-come contains give or take a few 100,000 sperm
A single drop of semen contains about 300 million. It simply takes one to brand name you pregnant.

How to put on weight.?

u cant go and get pregnat from sperm in ur anus

Is estrogen usually measured on routine blood test? If so, what is the "code" to look for?

No you would not be pregnant from having sperm surrounded by your anus. Also you should not be having anal sex short using a condom. A condom is a must at all time whether it is oral, vaginal or anal sex.

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