Nipples: what is that taste/smell?

when my bf sucks my nipples it results in a weird smell on his breath and unexpected taste surrounded by his mouth..
i shower everyday, and there is no discharge. im totally forceful and i practice good hygiene.
those have said its his saliva, but it just happens when he sucks my nipples..
what the heck is going on??

Is it undamaging to donate blood while on your period?

omg i dont know why to be exact!!! im so clean but my nipples drink like underarms or sumthin... nobody seem to know what im talkin about any.. i know my boyfriend is aware but he doesnt say anything.. he doesnt want to hurt my sensations i guess... if you find the answer let me know!!!!!!!!

Any accurate home remedies for hot flashes?

I guess its his saliva or if you put lotion on them...

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