Where can I sell my fertility drugs? (New, still surrounded by boxes)?

My wife and I recently go thought the IVF process and still have $2,000 worth of fertility drugs. Were can I go them? Only a month ago, new, still contained by boxes etc...
I would love to give someone a GREAT agreement on these.
Any help would be great.
Thank you
[email protected]

Does an abortion hurt? (read details!!)?

You cannot go them as you are not a pharmacist. Selling drugs without a license is ILLEGAL!

If size doesn't concern then?

If you live contained by the USA you can not legally sell/give them away. When my dad olden away he a ton of breathing drugs left and we looked-for to help someone who could not afford to purchase these meds and make available them away (and Katrina had purely happened...we thought they might hold helped there) but after contacting agency after agency we be told we could only afford them to a vet for dogs or destroy them. We completed up giving them to a local Dr that sent them over seas to sustain people over within. That was the with the sole purpose legal path for them to be used by a human...send them to another country and agree to the poor in our own country suffer and dance without meds b/c we couldn't distribute it to them. Wrong isn't it!!

Is it possible to cure polycistic ovarian syndromemy wife has it and i am deeply scared?

Are you looking to sort money or just grasp rid of them without wasting them? Have you tried giving them hindmost to the fertility clinic? You could post a thread on fertility sites if you want to make a treaty.....whether it's legal or not.

Problem near ovarian cysts?

On the black market? on the street corner?

Last I hear it is illegal surrounded by the US for a person who is not a pharmacist to put on the market prescription drugs.

Which brings me to a familiar pet peeve.

My core pet peeve at garage sales:
Finding matured diabetes meds, insulin, used glucometers, asthma meds, open boxes of nicotine patch, etc, Yuck!

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