If I broke my hyme horseback riding...?

If I broke my hyme horseback riding...

Will it hurt?
Am I still a virgin?
Will first time having sex be more comfratable?
Will it grow together again?
Will it bleed?
Can the gyn detail that it was not because of sex?

Womens strength question?

yes it will probably still hurt, and yes you are still a virgin, the first time is different for everyone, no it won't grow together again, usually the bleeding is cause by the hymen breaking, there is no passageway to tell how it be broken, unfortunately most guys are jerk and won't ever believe you broke your hymen during horseback riding, unless you find a nice guy. good luck.

I'm 13 and i lately started my you know. women please answer?

it could hurt a bit.

of course you're still a virgin. virginity is a thing of having sex, not breaking the hymen or any physical changeover.

they say so.

i don't guess so.

i read before that it could bleed a bit.

in truth...no. i think they can't relay why it broke. but i'm not sure.

I had my menstral extent 2 weeks ago then I started bleeding pouring again 2 days ago and it only last a day?

Don't come up with that's possible, since it's up inside your vagina. Yes, will hurt a little, yes will be more comfortable have sex if it's gone, no it won't grow back, yes it will bleed, and yes the gyno can report to if it's from sex or not.


It could hurt a little, but nought unbearable.
Yes, probably.
It might bleed, but probably single a little if it does.
The gyn can never notify if you've had sex or not of late by looking at your hymen.

Personal ? One for the ladies, men may not want to read..?

I'm not sure if that's possible, but I'll try to answer.
Will it hurt?-maybe
Am I still a virgin?--yes, unless you have have sex.
Will first time having sex be more comfratable?--maybe, maybe not.
Will it grow together again?--no
Will it bleed?--probably
Can the gyn relate that it was not because of sex?--probably not.

Ummmm minister to with my time of year?

I broke mine on my bicycle when I was 11 and I thought I have gotten my period it did not hurt greatly just a touch...but then when it quit bleeding my mother and I realize I had broke my hymen...My first time making love be not painful at adjectives must be because of this.
The gyno does not care if it be not because of sex only your parents would be concerned. However, if you are thinking of have sex and then describing your parents that you lost your hymen horseback riding I would not suggest that lie....Parents are highly smart and the loss of innocence in your face will be proof to them if you are still a virgin or if it be a mistake on a horse.
If you think you are equipped to have sex please lecture yourself... Look at the statistics of STDs and Aids They are very alarming dear and masturbation is always the safest process to go until you are much elder say around the age of 19 or so. Masturbation is not dirty and it is faultlessly normal everyone does it... So be risk-free!!

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1: Will it hurt? -Probably not. You might feel a 'pinch' when it tore - Different hymens are different thicknesses and most nation who tear theirs accidentally don't even thought. Like any other membrane, you can tear it rather or a lot. Even sexual hum doesn't always completely rupture the hymen.

2: Am I still a virgin? - Absolutely. Virginity is a give somebody the third degree of whether or not you've had sex (and to my mind WILLING sex - anyone raped doesn't count as far as I'm concerned, but I'm weird). It has nil to do with the status of your hymen.

3: Will first time have sex be more comfortable? - Quite possibly. Comfort during your first time has plentifully more to do with your mental attitude, agitation level, and most importantly, the guy you're next to than the presence or absence of an un-torn hymen. A amazingly tough hymen can indeed make things humiliated, but someone taking their time will reduce that closely, even to nothing. "Your first time other hurts" is a myth and is based upon clumsy over-anxious men more than any physical pretext.

4: Will it grow together again? - No. The hymen doesn't re-grow.

5: Will it bleed? - Possibly. It depends upon the thickness of the hymen and how torn it is from the horseback riding. You may make out some light spotting or you may catch sight of a small stain. It's not a lot of blood, no business what.

6: Can the gyn tell that it be not because of sex? - Not really. Depending upon the type and degree of crack (s)he might SUSPECT you were have sex, but that can't be proven by looking at the hymen. Many women are born without one entirely! There's no such item as a 'Virginity Exam' - The doc could say "Yes, you are a virgin" if you have an entirely intact hymen. More likely, nearby would be some degree of tear and they have NO route of knowing what caused that. There are abundant, many, heaps ways of tearing the hymen. People who come up with that all virgins enjoy a hymen and bleed their first time making love are more than a little clueless, especially within today's very athletically busy society.

I've attached a link to the Wikipedia entry on this subject - Please transcribe, this article contains some very symbolic medical-level photographs, so click through with prudence.

Hope this helps!


Sex possibly?

The presence or absenteeism of a hymen has zilch whatsoever to do with virginity. How can it when some girls are born short a hymen? And orion is not weird almost rape vs consensual sex acts and virginity.

No, it won't grow rear legs. You might or might not feel some discormfort and you might or might not bleed in recent times a bit.

If you partner takes his time and know how to tell if your body is prepared, which he will do if he cares (for teenaged boys and for too frequent so-called men, a partner is nothing more than an natural masturbation tool), then intercourse should never be discomfited. If none of the above is the case, it could and would other be uncomfortable.

A doctor doesn't trouble how your hymen might have be broken. Or, put it this way, as long as you are of age according to your local law, a doctor doesn't care.

I'm including some links for you, next to more information. All of this, and so much more, is stuff that you should have bookish in college, except that certain small and extreme groups eliminate to allow it to be taught. You can't be fault for that, but when you're older, remember this please, so that you can start to devolution that.

I know that's a lot, but it's within place of what you, what every child, ought to be taught on a routine foundation. Take your time.

One more thing, though. You don't enjoy to deliberately break your hymen. If you guess that you've done so by accident, afterwards so be it. But you don't have to put together a point of doing something in order to break it. It any will or it won't. On that particular subject, though, some women own a very gooey hymen that makes infiltration difficult. In such cases, a doctor can help, using specific medical instruments.

Is this my first time? Why is it brown?

IFFY question get IFFY answers
1 Maybe,, but if your having fun you may not identify it.
2 Yes!! virgin is a sudo religious term have to do with property rights, infiltration and possible pregnancy.
but you become a virgin 24 hours after any penetration so long as you don't draw from pregnant or one of you blab.
3 Good point, more than likely!! since you won't verbs about bleeding or cramp.
4 grow back ! that would be a discomfort in the as$ NO
5 bleed ?? I don`t know!! It wouldn't hurt to use a pantie liner just surrounded by case. You know it wouldn't hurt to use one any time you plan human being bounced on your fanny to catch any escape Bicycles motorcycles
6 a gyn would have to enjoy seen you formerly to even know you had a hymen,, some girls are born in need. and it can be broken at any age. Like I said, 24 hrs good as exotic. Just Keep It Clean!!

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To answer your questions:

all right first of all its hymen, not hyme ;)
No, you won't break it while horse put money on riding. This is highly unlikely and contained by most cases you will just stretch it out not break it.

It will not hurt because you will not break it unless you do for some uncommon reason (yet I enjoy NEVER heard of this occurring...)

Yes you are still a virgin. You can only NOT become a virgin if you enjoy sex. Riding horses is not having sex!

Well it could be more comfortable but again i dont expect you'll break it, just stretch it out so yes it could be easier

the first time you break it, it will bleed... AGAIN i dont suggest this will happen on a horse...

There is NO style for the gyn to be able to recount whether or not you have sex. Many virgins do not enjoy their hymen in tact, it freshly depends on the person, not whether you've have sex! Don't worry she won't know how to tell.

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