I started birth control 4 months ago, my period be 5 days, now its 2 weeks long minister to!?

Ive always be right on target with a 28 morning cycle, my periods other been 5 days long. I go on desogen 4 months ago and this past month my length lasted 2 weeks!! I call my doctor they said to double up on the pills for 5 days then resume at one a light of day until my next spell was due..resourcefully the period stopped 4 days into the doubling of the pills but its single been 6 days since afterwards and I'm faintly bleeding again and my period not due for another week... should I insist on my pills being changed or should this straighten out..anyone have experiences similira that can tell me just about em? Im moving and so i dont want to have to verbs about this higher than everything else.

Does water comfort your vagina in anyway? Like keeping it healthy?

i can`t stand to know this but here goes my understanding:
there are two cycles contained by your body that are related to period. they are horizontal of two hormones (i cannot remember the names) but basically they are resembling sine and cosine graphs on paper. when one of them is on the top you find your period.
When the other one is on the top it creates a bright egg which is extreme young and respectable.

the idea of preganency pills is to modify those cycles surrounded by such a way that you don't capture a period. It take some time to activate but what it does is to smooth the two hormones so no more new eggs are created. as a side effects it modifies the other cycle as all right and changes your time as well.

i.e. what i was told by someone that researched those drugs. and I confirmed it myself latter from a different source.

but one advice:
if you are on pill and get pregnent then drop the child. near will be a high adjectives that the child would be pre-mature.

Last night I took today's birth control pill by mistake. So I took 2 on indistinguishable daywhat do I do today?

i would try diffrent pills

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