Help im in 6th grade.......please answer!?

ok im surrounded by year 6 and theres these 3 girls who hate me since i be like surrounded by year 1 or before that i cant remember and their name are
and last week
Nicky and Leontean get me and pushed me so my face bang of the ground really hard and this is what i finished up like
i had a
busted lip
broken nose
a massive bruise on guide and a big one as well
my face be all bruised
and i still get it now
but the problem is its my headteacher when they did it they never got wrong! can you belive that
never so much as get told off what should i do around it
and how could i get my unbroken face to stop hurting
gratitude so much it will be the best 2 points you have ever got
or if you would want to do it persanally email me on
[email protected]
ok thanks

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I know how you feel. It is freshly there problem. Talk to your cranium teacher and see what he or she can do. I do not know the law in your country however contained by the United States these girls would be arrested by the police.
As for the injury keep rime on it. This will decrease the swelling. If the opening in your skin do not close inside about 3-5 days after see your doctor. You need to have a chat to someone in a authority position to touch this matter.
Best Of Luck To You

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tell you parents. if they dont believe you or something tell the principal. if they dont believe you, the next time it happen, tell the police.

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go to the doctor and describe the principal immeadtly you might be a snitch but theyll get what they diserve

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So you went to a doctor and that's how you know you enjoy all these injuries? And you reported the girls for trouncing you up and they did nothing? I don't believe you. Something isn't right at hand. If this REALLY happened you obligation to tell your parents. They will engineer sure the girls who did this are punished.

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ask your parents to turn talk to a advocate about this take things all fired up they should own to pay here contained by our schools we own a no bully law thats adjectives i can tell you to do and reach a deal it over with your parents here are some lawyers that will lug a case free or on commission

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Where are your parents ?.Why hasn't anyone taken you to a MD,next to all these injuries ? Being "bullied"and "picked" on at arts school should never be tolerated for any reason.Here surrounded by America,the schools own finally understand that it must never be tolerated and unseen.Someone must go to your college and confront the principle,and demand that this stop,and bring the other kid's parents in,so this situation can be resolved.You can also run to the police,that's called "assault and battery",appropriate some photo's to prove your case. Take nurture. SW RNP


i would beat the sh!t out of those stupid girls...but you cant solve intimidation with wuould be nice for you to get them alon e and procure 'em...but the responsible thing to do is put in the picture your parents, tell here parents and the school....

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Some people are selfish of other people for what ever explanation. They may dislike you because you are smarter than they are, they think you hold better clothes then them, or perchance even because you like the color purple, who know. It is your duty to go to your parents, your principle a trusted lecturer, to resolve the issues before you attain really hurt or someone else does. Violence is for ignorant nation that aren't happy surrounded by their own lives. Take care of yourself and don't tip out into other peoples problems,

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I would have your parents call upon the Police and a lawyer roughly suing the girls parents.Nothing gets a parents attention almost what their kids are doing like a sheriff showing up near Lawsuit papers and cops asking questions.

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I'm sorry to hear this happen and I am appalled at the Headteacher not doing anything about it.

Have your parents grasp a lawyer to sue the bullies' parents AND the institution.

Schools should have bully policies and since this conservatory did nothing, they should be sued.

You can also press assault charges against the three girls.

If those things don't work, turn to another school or carry homeschooled. You need to move about on with your life span without worrying nearly those three idiots beating you up.

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I can't believe you're getting pushed around like this and nobody is engrossed! Bullying is a huge problem worldwide, yet it's self ignored.

I would recommend switching school. You must have another university somewhere. Start over--you said they've hated you since first position. They're practically ruining your childhood. (I've never actually be bullied--just teased by my friends and the occasional insult from somebody I scarcely know--but I've seen it begin at my school.) If you're dreading college and you go out of your road to avoid these bullies, there's conspicuously a problem here.

If you're really, really desperate and they just don't go away you alone, and you can't switch schools--make connections. I know this sounds really stupid, but make friends with elder girls as well as others your age, so everybody can look out for you. You've said you told the headmistress and teacher, as well as the parents of those brats, all the same they're not doing anything--so it'd be a bad theory to tell them what's arranged because it's obvious they're any going to a.) ignore it or b.) a moment ago give a small notification, which will further anger those girls. Make connections and travel with a friend whenever you can, even if it's only to the bathroom. And always detail your parents.

Good luck to you; those tragic prats need a natural life.

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As a parent, I cannot imagine that your parents hold not gotten anywhere with the principal of the university. You need to show these responses to your problem to your mom, she requirements to know this is still happening and that you are surrounded by danger at university. NOBODY should have to be afraid at arts school --keep telling everybody that will listen, teacher, your friends' parents (if yours are not doing anything) your minister at church (if you go) anyone that will listen to you. Don't quit until you get some minister to! Good luck and stay as far as you can away from these girls. Keep yourself surrounded by 2-3 friends at all times, so you are never alone, and if they do try something, you will hold witnesses and will not feel so alone.

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