Doctors visit for more anxiety?

Doctors and medication?
Alrighty ... I suffer my Anxiety attacks and am on Zoloft and hold be for nearly 4 months presently and hold to stir hindmost for a check up on wednesday. Things I thought be recuperating excepct for the closing couple of weeks i've gotten really anxious and I have a couple big attacks when out surrounded by public. This week coming up I enjoy a big trial ... an appointment beside my college and consequently a concent at an arena ( concluding time i be here in the region of 8 months ago I have a doomed to failure attack). I be wondering if on wednesday in the past these 4 things steal place when I stir to the doctor if I should see if she would dispense me ativan or xanax for times that i want to relax myself. I know its not a total fix but i a short time ago penny-pinching to aid me procure through big events similar to these. Any assistance or skill that would facilitate?


1st time?

I hold social anxiety and be on zoloft for a few years. I still have frenzy attacks while on zoloft, but I be competent to awareness that the situations where on earth I have an attack be reasonably similar. [The grocery store is one of the worst places for me!] I be competent to adjust my behavior as expected to be in motion at times when I be smaller amount feasible to get hold of panicky. You may want to try to data when you surface anxious.

It also might be that your dosage is too low. I'm not sure how much you're taking, but verbalize to your doctor in the order of your problem and ask if you want to increase the amount you're taking. Your doctor may do it or may switch you to another drug that might work better for you.

I'm no doctor, but I don't judge that taking Xanax or other drugs is the best choice. From what I've see from friends on Xanax, it's emphatically not a when-you-need-it drug. It's close to other anti-depressants and can own big side-effects when it leaves your system. Again, though, check beside your doctor.
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