Period oblige... !?

I had my first interval about 6-8 weeks ago and i judge i got it again cuz when i wipe i saw abunch of brown but i havent seen it again the ending time i checked was resembling 5 minutes ago... and does your period come on and sour? like you'll see blood or anything and then you wont see it for similar to a half an hour?


For girls: almost tampons?

It might take a few months to become regular, so firstly I wouldn't be concerned almost that. The brown sounds like it's outdated blood, so it might not be a proper period that you're getting immediately, & rather in recent times some old blood cleaning itself out. When you get hold of your period it won't merely come gushing out. You could go to the toilet & by wipe it up there might not be anything at hand for 1/2 hour. Maybe you could scrunch some toilet paper up & put it newly outside your vagina so you can at least not verbs for an hour or 2 because you know it won't stain your clothes. Don't just give up your job it sitting loose in your undies though because it might move as you move. I wouldn't be too concerned if you don't see any more for a while though. It will take you a few months to be regular.

Smooth shave?

my term comes every three months and i had it since i be 13 and now i'm 16

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Sure, and it may be really irregular at your age.
Just dont worry and tolerate it come naturally.
Take a pamprin and magnets and hot hose down bottles help

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When you have your interval, it isn't a steady stream of blood coming out. You'll need to use tampons or pad for the entire week though, sine you don't know when blood will come.

Typically, you should get a length once every 28 - 35 days, once you've had it for a year or so, and things become more regular.

How long after finishing a course of progesterone should I experience a bleed?

:))) MAN ...cut IT out :))

Penis decline?

its beacuse ur body is adjusting to the cash so yes ur peroid goes on and stale =D

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You are experiencing spotting. This can occur for a few days in the past you actually own a steady flow.

Do most teenage girls M*strbte?- LADIES ONLY?

well some times this entity happen try drinking sea or milk and be a little more helpful so your blood can circulate better.oh yeah have a apposite balanced breakfast time it helps

How possible is to get pergo beside an IUD?

no, it doesn't come onand off. you might enjoy seen discharge (vagina cleaning itself) and it might be the start of your extent. check later and if you see a bit of blood that's it. if you don't vheck again tomorrow. if you still don't it's not your spell.

Essurewant to know from women who have used this form of undying birth control?

Sometimes in the first few days or closing few days of a period it may come more similar to spotting instead of a blood flow. This is perfectly fine. If you experience this around the time you're supposed to bring your period again it of late means that it's coming but the blood flow have not yet gain the full momentum. And if it happens towards the shutting of your period that only means that the blood flow is bit by bit slowing down. Also, vigorous physical amusement, like working out, dance, etc... can result in a heavier blood flow. Don't verbs about it - I experience duplicate thing and it's be years since I got my 1st extent.

I use to get sick within the mornings?

Put a pantyliner in your underwear, you're going to get it contained by the next few hours, some times it take a little time for the full flow to come, this is honest though so you have a reproving and don't ruin a pair of cute underwear.
You can ask your mom (or dad if your mom isn't around) subsequent time you have a quiz.

Girls, do you shave your pubic area? If you doWhy?

When i have my first it lasted for a year. then i didnt hold one for three months. after that it became regular. you are probably going on for to have a time of year.

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