is there something wrong?

the last time i have my period be 22nd July.. and i still havn't had one nonetheless, should i be worried? hey.. im not complaining just wondering if ther is something wrong..?


Dont you will that vaginas were blue instead of pink?

nope=== normal=== ur still growing hun-- n as u grow u change-- u prolly wont be completely normal till ur 20-21-- i know my body of late finally got on a set agenda an im 20--- soo yea as u grow u change--- soo its to be expected-- even still since ur 16 u need to stir have a pap done to brand name sure

Ladies: anyone know how to keep breasts from swelling during menstruation?

your cycle's probably belatedly either that or pregnancy?

what is the earliest i can do a preganancy experiment before my interval is due?

could you be pregnant. yeah you should have have one by now i suggest going to you obgyn and inform them what is going on
you could be really stressed too but i think you should stir to a doctor good luck

How to firm breast?

maybe you're pregnant or a short time ago very unpunctually.

I am having my time of year how do i put in a tampon?

yeah theres something wrong you are suppose to own one every month either your peagnent or theres something teribbley wrong next to your body

My eyes always look and be aware of so dead and tireddd during the morning, can you help?

Obvious cross-question: could you be pregnant? Have you stopped or started or changed birth control pills recently? Have you not long lost a lot of cargo or are you underweight? Those are few things that can throw your cycle off a bit.

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I have prearranged a lot of women next to irregular periods, but none of them own had any ailing effects from it. Stress is one of the causes that commonly get ignored. If you are worried give or take a few it, you might get an nouns to ease your mind. That is going on for all you can do.

Is is ture that a woman's breasts swell by up to 25% when sexually aroused?

Too untimely to tell unless you're approaching menopause.

Help.they hurt!?

You might enjoy to go to the hospital and tolerate the doctor check
you or you can just lurk for a month and then if you still
don't draw from a period afterwards go to the doctor!


- You could be pregnant if you are sexually moving. If you are sexually active, you should shift to a clinic or to your OB/GYN & talk to someone. You can rob a test 2 weeks after have sex.

- You could just be missing one. Sometimes that happen to me. Depending on how old you are, you may irregular. I didn't enjoy a period for 3 months once. And, eventually it simply came.

- Stress can also hold bad your period

Good luck!

WOMEN! Have your experienced massive headache right before a m.cycle?

First of adjectives ,how old are you.Could be pregnant,are you stress,are you excessively dieting or exercising,these things can stop you from have a period.

What doctor should i contact if im have breast problems?

Are you under any stress? That can do it too. There be times I only have periods once or twice a year, the doctor without being seen it, but later I have to pay for him ignore it. See if you can find a female gynecologist, they sometimes appear to be more concerned about women's strength, not always, but sometimes. Best Wishes!!

Are in that any hormone shots i can take that will increase my hips??

well you could be pregnant or do you play sports sometimes athletes start nearby periods latter that everyone else and are more infregaunt than every one else

How to make a boob cake?

no nil is wrong so far if you are not pregnant. You are young, regardless of when you first started your spell, your cycles aren't regular yet. If you only started school, the cycles of your friends could start effecting your cycle too. If a buch of women hang up around eachother for awhile their cycles become in sync and everyone within the group menstruates around the same time. This could also throw sour your cycle. I wouldn't worry.

CYLARIS Diet Pill??

If you're immensely active that could be the pretext.

Ok what EXACTLY should you do if you accidentally inhale bathroom cleaners / bleach?

Have you recently started on any exotic medications or even birth control? A amendment in your day by day and physical activities, such as taking on more physical diversion or added stress can mess up your menstrual cycle. Maybe try talking to you mom and you could get hold of an appointment with your doctor or OB/GYN. There could be tons factors as to why you haven't have your period since afterwards. Also, I know you said you are only 16, but if you hold been sexually stirring, you need to be honest beside your parents and doctor if asked about it.

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if you are def. not pregnant afterwards it could just be irregular cycle but better to win checked out

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