Do sugar pills trade name you have your spell?
To get my time of year earlier can I not appropriate the last two pills and freshly skip to the sugar pills? I really don't want to have my term for my wedding and If I start my term two days before, it'll be spotless!
From previous experiences...i have simply kept taking the pill right up until the sugar pills get going and then instead of taking the sugar pills ive skipped them completely continuing on beside the week after instead. I completely skipped my period until the following month..i didnt go and get pregnant and it obviously didnt hurt me to miss a length...good luck
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The absense of the hormones surrounded by your system actually make you get ur term. I've never taken a sugar pill in the almost 5 years I've be on BC and I've only skipped one term. If you end ur regular pills rather early, you probably should get hold of your period untimely. Good luckmessing with the birth control pills are purely a bad concept, it messes with the level of the pills in your body and you might risk getting pregnant
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Nope, the sugar pills surrounded by the BC pack are there as a reminder for you to filch them everyday regularly. If they weren't there and you didn't whip them for the four/five days that they are there, nine times out of ten you'd forget to re-take them when you're supposed to start on the other pills.But if you aren't sure, consequently you can always phone up your Doc and ask him/her.