How do I treat intimate itching after bike riding?
I've just be out for a cycle, having occupied in some vastly sensitive intimate grooming two days ago. I am itching sooooooo badly very soon. I don't really have any creams/medicines at home. What should I do? And please no preaching in the order of how it probably wasn't a good theory. I told myself that before I go out and I just didn't listen to my gut.
Do you ever get the impression out of it, for months at a time?
warm sea does it. u shld add a bit disinfectant, or salt. dont agree to it be hot enought to burn u, but just hot ample. works like artifice.
put some natral youart down here and it will stop the itching..go grasp it now.
yeah i know what ya tight-fisted. i rode the local bike and now itch resembling crazy
Can I pee with a tampon contained by?
insert some natural yoghurt up near or have a heat bath beside some salt within it but seriously itching makes things WORSEDo you know what an orgasm is?
free clinics work.