Why are my nipples so sore?

For a few days they have be painful and easier said than done for no apparent point this had never happen before

Is there approaching a period examination?

maybe your gonna acquire your period soon or u might be prego if its neither after maybe u should see a doctor correct luck

Putting ur privates under running hose down?

you need to own an orgasm!

Vagina tightening?

U sure u r not pregnant?

She had sex during pregnancy no she is have four months is it right to have sex during pregnancy?

if you're a infantile teenager, it's because you're growing.

Does anybody know if an ovarian?

I would bring a pregnancy test! That other happens to me when I'm pregnant!

Average girl's freight?


Try having an orgasm and see if that help.

What should i do?

hormonal changes. premenstrual rigidity.
or you are ovulating.

If hormonal birth control can cause a hormonal disparity, what other alternatives are out there?

probably chaff against fabric

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