Is it ok to go on and sour blood pressure medication?

My mother has elevated blood pressure, but does not like taking pills, so she is single taking her blood pressure pills when she feels she desires them and not every day. Is it harmfull to do this?

I'm have vaginal problems, have any suggestion?

This is not a good belief. can be very perilous. if your mom is having probs near the pills, she needs to communicate to her doctor, he can perscribe differant ones.
High blood pressure is nothing to mess around near. Thats why it's called the silent slayer.

Antibiotics and Birth Control?

you should ask your mother's doctor about this. we're not her doctor so we dont know what's right or wrong for her.

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yes it can create severe problems tell her to tell to doc

Question about discharge?

I'm pretty sure that's not a honourable idea, blood pressure is nought to mess around with

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YES!! She requests to take her BP pills as directed for the rest of her duration, EVEN when she is feeling better. She is putting herself at great risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke!!

Is it obligatory to go to a doctor?

Tell her she have to take them everyday only like her doctor told her to not merely when she feels approaching it. You can do more damage by stopping and starting them again. She could closing stages up in the hospital or even worse, destruction.

Yeast infection?

YES! Yes, because BP has to be pretty soaring before you discern it, and hypertension (even if you don't notice it) can do its dirty work silently: verbs the kidneys and cause heart attacks and strokes, among other things.

Heart attacks can gun down you or make you forever weaker; strokes can kill you or form you unable to move bit of your body and/or not think the path you used to, and ruined kidneys means you'll own to spend 3 days a week, every week, in dialysis contained by order to survive. If you don't know what dialysis is, look it up--it's not pleasant.

AND, if she's a diabetic and think that diet/blood sugar really don't matter, those event too--they make adjectives the problems I outlined above worse.

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Your mother needs to know that this is simply not all right. Going on and off blood pressure medication is VERY treacherous. First of all, it defeat the purpose of taking the medicine contained by the first place since you never end up near enough of the tablets in your system at one time to help out lower blood pressure. In addition, if you happen to take it regularly for awhile and afterwards stop taking it, your blood pressure can suddenly skyrocket which can lead to a heart attack and palpably, death. So...transmit her to deal next to her "pill issues" or talk to her doctor in the region of it, but what she's doing now is clearly NOT OK!!!!!

Is it a big problem?

You can't feel it when your blood pressure is dignified so you can't say I surface fine so I'm not taking them. It's critical to take them and you must rob them every single day. You want to try and get the point across to her that you're worried in the order of her and you want her to take them. It's individual a little pill so what if you own her take them when she eat a meal beside you so you can see her take them. Just bring them to the table and put them down or put a pill on her plate and don't read aloud any more. It might not hurt to call her doctor and recount him that you're worried and see if they would call her. She might make out that you're concerned enough to appointment him.

Going on the pill?

Onec a person starts bp prescription, should continue rest of existence eitrher have the presuure or not. But may renovation the type of Medicine. Better not off on. Ok ?

How do you to lose bulk?

i hope that your mother is not a doctor. she is not taking very worthy care of herself. the doctor prescribes blood pressure medication to be taken day after day. there is no gray nouns.
she could kill herself by taking it when she feel like it.

What extra serve can be used to get pregnant?

this is a questoin for ur doctor.

I am feminine and I have a awfully low voice that is seriously affecting my confidence. Is within anything I can do?

take her pills every single day, she doesnt know what she does and doesnt necessitate, she will kill herself doing this.

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