I am womanly and I have a severely low voice that is seriously affecting my confidence. Is within anything I can do?


Is it normal to grain drained during menstration?

Have you always have a low voice or is this a new symptom? Voice module could help.
I suggest have your thyroid checked-out.
Some of the great women movies stars had/have low sultry voices, Lauren Becall, Betty Davis, Greta Garbo,
Toni Braxton, Amy Whinehouse, Anita Baker, Nora Jones, Sara Vaughn, all these women become millionaires from their low voices. :)

Is it possible?

Try practicing to hold a higher voice, movie stars put on accent for parts so you could change your pitch. If indispensable go for speech module to learn how to incline your pitch.

Brown Discharge?

If you're hot it doesn't matter. Everyones voice is different.

Wierd smell?

*shrug* So do I. There's zilch wrong with it. Consider it a "smoky" or "throaty" voice, and try to convince yourself it's a dutiful thing.

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