Can i use methergine to stop my time of year?

So last year i had a miscarriage and i be given methergine 0.2 mg for the bleding becaus ei t was horrible and a very doomed to failure moment in my l ife.. I havent bneen doing to good since so i be given a crsuie to go n as a present and i am goign to be getting my period around the time of the cruise. I call my GYN dr. but hes out of the office for the week so my question is is it not dangerous to use this to stop my period for that week? cuz usually i get really really sick when i carry my period...thank in mortgage

Can I use monistat while on my length?

u can use it to birth control and prevent ovulation but not to stop the period may be delayed and comes in few drops and later for 3 months
but if u stop it for any reason with within 3-5 days you will have profuse bleeding

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i love having my time,

Anyone know whats going on?

I'm no doctor but I'm really leery of stopping any natural course in your body. Regular birth control is as far as I would play near things. You're gonna decide whether or not you wanna do that, but I don't believe its a good opinion. Try taking some pamprin, don't use tampons(pads are seriously better) and when you get to talk to your doctor again, ask in the region of ovarian cysts. I used to get really bad around my time of year and it turned out, I was getting those and they weren't going away like they be supposed to. I'm on high dose birth control now and consistency a lot better during my periods. Pollyps are also a concern, try looking into these things and see if you enjoy symptoms.
If those aren't the problem and you've just got a fruitless period, you should think going on for birth control, it'll regulate you and should help with the symptoms

SHARP anguish surrounded by in no doubt positions...?

Okay, I know this sounds silly but what exactly does front to rear legs tight??
Please minister to?
Strange quiz give or take a few UTI's?
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