Getting fingered be this everyday?

plus..i felt similar to i had a minor yeast infect for similar to 3 days afterward. is this all everyday? i know dirty fingers are bad..but what am i really risking but leting him put them in me?

LadiEs inevitability YOU HELP ANSWER PLEASE!?

First of all getting fingered isn't impossible its part of inborn foreplay or even during sex. As far as the dirty fingers, well I would trademark him wash his hand before paw so you have nil to worry just about. Now as for it hurting, well that could be cause by a multiple things, 1 you weren't relaxed enough, 2 your massively small and his fingers are big, 3 you weren't wet adequate, consider using lube like a KY type. And they individual thing your risking is your total amusement of what he is doing.

Is sex for the first time supposed to be painful or is at hand supposed to be blood?

first time should hurt but once you get fingered a couple of times it stops hurting, ur risking lots

While have sex?

more than you know.

Can an IUD cause a condom to bring a break?

yeah that doesn't sound well-mannered make sure he wash his hands! and generate sure he doesn't have any hang-nails! thats VERY BAD too!

What's smegma?

How almost risking your reputation? What are you thinking? Have some respect for yourself will you please.

I can't believe how much better I feel after getting my mirena out 2 days ago, any body else similar to this?

ah, just an minor infection... But I dont approaching it at all any i dont know what it is but it just dont touch right at all, so ur not alone!

Brown disscharge??

whoaaa nouns like an infection, it is not conventional at all. dirty fingers are not doomed to failure they're dangerous, look what happen to you. There's plenty of risk, hey if a finger caused this, its adequate to make him mop up his hands and interrogate what and where his hand have be!

Girls only! Advice please?

Well for one he could enjoy scratched you inside which would open you up for infection and dirty hand carry germs so you could own a yeast infection or just enjoy been irritated.

How can an ovarian cyst be full up with coat and bone?


Anyone you're with, or consider anyone with, should own the common morality to have verbs hands, scrub lower than their grubby nails and at smallest file the serrated edges so that he/she does not damage sensitive tissue around the vulva and inside the vagina.

If you did not find the experience pleasurable, and find yourself next to an infection on top of that...I would consider looking for a latest playmate.

Can I only wear the Nuvaring for a week?

how various fingers did he put in? I gues start from 1 just resembling counting numbers but dont use both hands...thats too several.

Cellulite and flat tummy?

No, this is not normal. Was it your first time? Was he rough? Perhaps his nail were too long. It is possible that he could hold made minor scratches that could enjoy allowed germs or bacteria within.

I think you will be fine if you verbs yourself well and examine for any signs of infections; persistent niggle, drainage. If you see any of those, go to the doctor.

As far as the dirty fingers turn....good hygiene is other preferred.


Yes it is normal depending on your age. The younger you are you will sense sex is going to hurt. If you use KY Jelly this will help next to some discomfort as you are probably not wet ample. I would recommend you visit near your OBGYN. You could also have a tilted uterous which is average for a lot of females. If you are experimenting near masterbation you will soon be discovering more. You may also notice vaginal bleeding and/ or spotting. Your are stretching your vagina and it isn't use to this. Over time next to a special individual you will begin to savour sex.

Make sure you are ready. Don't be pressured by some guy who "loves" you . THINK just about it before have sex! Your first time you don't want to be in the rear of a backseat hiding from your parents. Your body is growing and your hormones are racing. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART NOT YOUR HORMONES.

They will return with you into trouble. If you are ever in a situation and feel self-conscious you CAN tell them to stop! Once you say-so NO that is your choice! It is your body embezzle care of it!

PLEASE be sure to read up and breed sure you are aware of all the risks. When you become more sexually helpful you can get an STD as you enjoy learned within Health Class. AND PLEASE YES you can get pregnant the first time you enjoy sex and you can get pregnant if you are on your time of year or after your period. You will hear rumors within High School. Be sure to talk to the conservatory nurse as she can help you. Call your local teen strip... or contact the nearest Planned Parenthood. You can do this anonmously. I would recommend you start thinking about Birth Control. As the pill can nick up to one year to get into your system. Also they do own a shot that is every six months if you are not well brought-up at remembering to take something. As I said you should call in with your OBGYN nearer. If you are worried about your parents flipping out. Tell them you want to regulate your length. Tell them you are having greatly of cramps or something.. HONESTY is the best with your parents but I don't know your situation. I am assuming your afraid to speech to your parents. As I know I was. You don't hold to be pregnant to talk to them! PLAN!! Please trademark sure you have condoms. LATEX! I realize you asked just about masturbation but soon you are going to be experimenting more and I would rather you get the message what your body is going to go through and all of your sources.

Talk to your mother or elder sister or an aunt SOMEONE tell them that you want to give somebody a lift responsibility and you want to protect yourself!

Think about this.

If you hold sex with one guy... and that one guy have sex with 2 girls ably say one of those girls have sex with 6 guys and that guy have 20 girls you see how quickly these numbers attach up.

1 out of 6 will have a Sexually Transmitted Disease

Most guys the first time they enjoy sex... They can't hold an errection meaning BAD first time experiement. Is that what you want your first time to be a memory of? WAIT!!

Late Period?

You're lately fragile,
it'll get better over time

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