Can I lone wear the Nuvaring for a week?

I just started the Nuvaring but am waiting to see if at hand are any side effects. If so, would it screw up my body if I wore it for simply one week? What would most likely come up when I took it out? Also, what are your experiences with nuvaring?

Just wondering if my consignment is ok?

The ring needs to be within for a full 7 days before you are protected against pregnancy, so a moment ago make sure that if you lone wear it for a week and stop using it, you use some other form of birth control.

The first few rings are tough, (3 months of low sex drive, headaches, moodiness. All cause by a lack of vitamin B6. All hormonal birth control depletes B6, not simply the Nuvaring. Try a suppliment if you experience these symptoms.)

Taking out the Nuvaring triggers your period. So if you run it out early, expect a short and wishy-washy period. You might be irregular for a few weeks after you stop using it.

After a while your body will adjust to the hormones. It's the best birth control I've ever used.

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i think it should be fine

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The nuvaring is new and not alot of citizens have used it. I hold been on Depo-Provera myself for years and love it. I expect you should read this and consult a doctor if you are still not sure what to do.

A few questions something like the hymen?

I love it! i barely own periods anymore! if you individual use it for a week it won't hurt you or screw you up., but I didn't become regular for about 4 months. Keep trying it. You can will it in for 21 - 28 days too within case something comes up. Sometimes i start until that time i take it out, but usually it's 3 days after. i reason its the best invention ever! give it a destiny

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