I want to loose weight, please comfort.?

ugh ok so im 130lbs and im 5`4, i have wide-ranging thighs and a BIG butt...i think its too big, and im trying to loose mass. i've struggled with bulimia surrounded by the past, im resembling obssessed with trying too loose mass but i just can`t stick to a routing, please relief.

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Go to the gym. Don't count calories too too much...concentrate more on burning some fat. And start slowly. You don't want to travel on a routine that you will get tired of really swiftly. Try to keep it simple nd fun. Many gyms will hold personal trainers (and free personal trainer sessions) that will help you obtain good experience at the gym and with good cheer lose the weight lacking stress. I highly suggest trying out the gym!

I'm bloated. What should I do to relieve the bloating?

Exercise and a diet. Do it near someone. It will help.

Visit to OB-GYN?

im the exact same! i hold big thighs and . i used to be wayy more overwieght so i signed up for kickboxing. in the past year or so, ive lost over 40 lbs near kickboxing and im still losing it. its a great way to excerise and stay surrounded by shape, plus, its fun!

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one thing bout human body is that you cannot dampen fat by spot narrowing because there is no agency that body fat contained by a certain subdivision burns right away. so do something like jog or running it will burn most of the fat, to some extent i would say doing cardio is much better if you wanna burn solid and once you burn the fat you must start working on your abs muscle.
if you wanna rapid results then treadmil is the best choice and if you workout everyday you must put away healthy meal or else you will loose muscle more faster than the tubby.
so eat ample carb(complex), required protien amount and little amount of fat(unsaturated fat) and extra water as capably.
good luck

Did anyone of you ever try Pantogar? How's it? Ever hear of it at least?

Go to a counselor, specially if you have been bulimic. It is a totally serious condition. Then, try to be content with who you are, as long as you are fit...I would suggest to exercise, or run, join a gym and stick near it.Is not all in the region of food. Then, accept that conceivably your body shape is like that, and I don`t know you are a bit 'wider' than other woman, but that is ok! Whatever you do, give somebody a lift care of yourself.don't jump to extremes, and do not take pills that promise false results.

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