Why am i in so much torment when im on a period and wearing a tampon?

Ive other had problems beside my periods from the age of 13,at one point i use to lose that much blood and verbs. Constantly going to the doctors just hasnt worked and very soon im getting worse,i have a headache in my stomach that feel like im going to burst when im wearing a tampon and its be hurting when i go to the toilet......... want to shift back to the doctors but be aware of like they blame everything on my solidity and dont listen to me. What can u suggest or is there anyone else beside pains like this?

Girls and guys backing?

If your doctors make you grain uncomfortable, possibly look into going to a different one. Are you over weightiness? Weight is a lot of the times a factor. Have you thought of birth control? Birth control does minister to too when people enjoy issues with their time of year. It's helped me abundantly (medically).

The whole of my ** is so small what i should do.?

If you are afraid to parley to your doctor it is time to find a new one.

You didn't mention if you are over or underweight?

It sounds similar to you are experiancing a form of endometreousis.

Have you tried eating a bananna next to the onset of cramps, as

silly as it sounds it is significantly effective! You potassium level may be low and the bananna helps relieve the symptoms.

I option the best of luck and please go see a doctor to be precise not going to ridicule you!

Is it signs of breast cancer?

If you do not want the pain assassin, I would suggest a few natural herbal solutions that I hold read on Squidoo recently:

The first one is Bak Fong Yinn, it is an herbal formula that promotes women's form by alleviating problems like inefficient blood production, irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, white discharge, headache, and poor skin condition. It is one of the most renowned Chinese remedies for all woman's menstrual disorders, including dysmennorrhea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, miserable menstruation, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Read more at this Squidoo posting:

The next one is Jamu Haid, a nice of Javanese Herbs. Javanese calls Jamu for herbal remedies, minus chemist material as stabilizer. Jamu has traditional connotation, because Jamu is ancient tradition, since modern pharmacology comes in Indonesia. Some formulas enjoy a hundred years old and are used until in a minute.
Painful menstruation is caused by strangely heavy bleeding. Jamu Haid have been traditionally used to relieve menstrual cramps. It contains tumeric, which normalize blood flow, while other herbs contained by this supplement help relax muscles contained by the uterus to relieve abdominal spasms.
Read more at this Squidoo posting:

Also, I find there are some incredible sanitary pad and pantyliners that say to cure menstrual disorder. It is a creative range of sanitary pad, which contains therapeutic herbal infusion obtain through cutting-edge Nano Technology Extraction method to help relieve menstrual related problems and discomfort while providing better feminine hygiene and protection.
Read more at this Squidoo posting:

Other advices from my personal experience:
- do not appropriate ice cold drinks during menstrual
- do not pilfer watermelon or ice cream during menstrual
- do not bathe hair on the 1st afternoon of menstrual
- bath near warm water


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