Can you still win pregneant if you are in your extent?

10 PoIntS ! YAAY! o


Switching birth control and start of period?

Yes you can.

My belly button get iritated and sometimes I get a strong odor? Whats Wrong??

ewwww - he would look approaching a scene from E.R lol - generally anything is possible but no as the egg have already been released commonly the most concievable time of ovulation is 11 to 14 days after the first or is it last (i forget) light of day of your menstrual cycle

Could I be pregnant? Was the VCF defective?

yes you can get pregnant during your interval. But dont panic it is not that usual.

Going bad Birth Control Pills?

yes u can get preg anytime

Alesse Birth control.NO sex drive?

you sure can achieve pregnant when you have your term.some women ovulate during their friend have been trying to obtain pregnant for a year her fertilitly specialist did some tests and they found out she be ovulateing during her happen more times then you devise.

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