Weird Period...Please give support to, its really freaking me out?

Hi Im 15 I been have my period for roughly 4 years, tho they are not quite regular. I purely got my interval today, I didnt have any tampon or pad...I live in the country so I enjoy to wait until tommorow to procure stuff...anyway un important

I am having a standard lamp period, usually I draw from bad back/stomach pains and headach...however I dont hold any pain but my Vagina begin to hurt...I found a tampon and used it but it got worse... so i took it out (as you would) and my vagina have be kinda stinging and a burning sensation...What could be wrong?

Just a fun question for the girlies :)?

You are going to hold a million different kinds of period. If you are sexually active though, this might be constituent of the problem. Sexually transmitted diseases have similar symptoms. Are you using any products similar to a vaginal douche? If you are, this could be part of the problem. Eating abundantly of acidic foods can transform the disposition of the vaginal lining. Some times your body creates an ammonia similar to odour, this is normal within that your body produces it, but is a symptom of something else. Increase your water intake, don't douche, and try using solely pads this month.. it's a drag, but you don't want to irritate the vaginal pool liner anymore than necessary. Another possibility is a yeast infection..These are fairly common as capably. Wear cotton under pant, and if you are doing a lot of swimming, attain out of your swimwear when done as it is nylon, and traps heat and moisture. Canesten cream will abet with any external itching or burning, you may obligation an internal suppository to relieve any internal discomfort. Again if you are sexually active, a trip to the doc is a honourable idea.. lots of sexually transmitted diseases can do problems like sterility eg- chlamydia. It's no set-up.. I have a friend that cannot enjoy children because she contracted it.
Good luck.. and don't panic.

^^^Ppl near IBS, tell me plizz?

Go to your doctor. None of us can oblige you.

Birth control question?

go to the doctor

What's ingrown pubic pelt?

Maybe you have an infection or something similar to that.
I really don't know, but I hope someone answers and tells you the right answer.

Sorry =\


You may hold a fungal yeast infection (thrush). This is not sexually transmitted and easily treated. See your GP

Where can i find on the web about i have an idea that u spell it like adominal pendulum?

Maybe you enjoy an infection. You need to hope medical attention. It could be nothing.

Anyone ever tried the at home wax for legs or the nair?

That sounds similar to a yeast infection, so go to the doctor.
That would rationale pain and burning, and it is outstandingly easy to clear up.

Is getting your time of year in the middle of the month-if you re taking birth control, commonplace? Can it happen? Is m

Yes I agree next to everyone else. Go to the doctor. It sounds like you may hold an infection of some sort. If you're nervous own another female friend stir with you, but by adjectives means run to the doctor before it get any worse. better safe than sorry.

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