Freaking out and I need Help! Period problems!?

alright, the basica stuff people ask for on here:
I'm 16, and my ending period be the last week of february. I've be having it for rather over three years now

now my problem:
My period is still irregular and I own a feeling that it is skipping this month. I "fooled around" beside my boyfriend last month and we used protection (trojan to be exact) ably, since about finishing Saturday (April 7) I've been have huge cramps and have my commonplace period issues. The unusual thing in the order of it all is that I enjoy this brown-ish colored discharge and I havent started my period at adjectives. My boyfriend and I are really freaking out because I am still in high university and the fact that we are so childish. (I'm 16 and he is 18) I took a EPT test and it come back gloomy, but my period still hasnt shown up. We enjoy an appointment to go to the local vigour department tomorrow morning to see what is going on with me. I dont hold any form of my own income and my mother has no view what is going on.

What the women called who doesn't hold periods or Menstrual cycle ?

First, self-possessed down. I know this is easier said than done, but stress will only variety your situation worse.
Having an irregular period is drastically common, and may not become reguluar for some time. Cramping is also adjectives as you have not gotten into a "normal" predicatable cycle of period. The brownish discharge is blood that has be exposed to air. Do want medical confirmation that you are not pregnant, from a local clinic. Look for Planned Parenthood organization, they can bestow you a wide freedom of services and counsel you through this time. If you tell them you inevitability is urgent they will try to see you ASAP. Condom's are good start for birth control and prevention of STD's but for the best birth control , use them within conjuction with an new method.
Remember this may turn out to be just a "scare" , use this as a message to swot more and control your own destiny. There are many, oodles choices to make. Be affimative surrounded by your life and take home choices, do not let your choices be controlled by a lack of awareness or action(s) on your part.
The interconnect to Planned Parenthood , is below, if you type in your closure code it will give you the contiguous clinic information. if the link is not accessable this track just copy the information below and put it onto your flush area of your toolbar.

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You are doing all the right things. Watch, your extent will surprise you and arrive just as you WALK into the condition department!

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And THIS is why kids shouldn't be having sex.for this vastly reason.

I doubt that you are pregnant. The home pregnancy test are very reliable. That brown-ish discharge is probably your spell. At least find a blood test done at the dept. of condition so you'll know for sure, but I don't think you are.

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You might be pregnant. The brownish stuff is called spotting. The best point you could do is calm down and continue until you see the doctor --what is done is done-- I suggest you talk to your mom just about it and if you feel approaching you are to young for pregnancy conceivably you are to young to be have sex.

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It's probably zilch and stress just make it worse. If you go to the local Planned Parenthood it should be free because you are a minor and you enjoy no income. Don't worry going on for it cause you're simply making it worse. See if you can get birth control to regulate your interval. I will make you discern a lot better. Still use protection though.

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Calm down. Now appropriate a deep breath. Periods can be strange 14 and merely in close to November i think it be my period happend twice that month...and 3 months didnt happen at adjectives.and as for the brownish stuff...that just might be an infection...i hold had like peas in a pod thing...and i be NOT preagnant. And did u know that being athletic can REALLY wack up ur sure did mine...once my period didnt show for 2 months. You enjoy nothing to verbs about...but a short time ago to be safe i surmise taking precautions is a really safe and grown-up agency to handle things.

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if you're not ready for a babe-in-arms then you shouldn't be have sex.period. the reality that you're not even sure if your pregnant and you're already condoning abortion is necessitate Jesus

I pray that you're not pregnant not because I feel sorry for your situation, but because no babe should have to die due to you and your boyfriend's irresponsibility

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wow..omg..well this sounds outstandingly drastic..well the best direction i can give u is to not overeact...this same business deal has happen to me..and when you freak out the most is when nothing really happen..u probably will get ur extent soon.but i do suggest u go to the doctor...honourable luck and i wish u and ur man the best..hopefully zilch bad happen..i feel ya im 17 and every time im unsettled on my period i freak out too..but lately calm down and hope for no wrong... xxooxxoo

whats that stuff leak out of me?

You have gotten some great direction here. ALL of it.

Even the things that people enjoy said that you might think are newly "mean" actually contain some experience for you if you choose to accept it. Sometimes the truth is brutal, you know.

The way that you describe your extent reminds me of how mine was when I be undernourished and dehydrated due to intense "dieting". If specifically what you are doing it will affect your period a large amount.

Below is a link to a site where on earth you can find someone to answer all of your pregnancy related question. Here you will find information about adjectives of your options and support for anything fully informed decisions you label.

Good luck hon!

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