Question for girls/women...PLEASE HELP ME.?

Over the past weeks I hold been have problems...down there.

I am thirteen.

The problems are that at hand has be this clear, mucus texture, stuff coming out.

The other one is this chunky/creamy white stuff...

Then, today, I didn't even notice it until I lately now sit down at the computer...there be some stuff down there.

I run to the bathroom and it was this mucusy/runny brown or unlit dark gloom dark threatening red stuff that came out. I cleaned myself up, but presently I am worried, really badly! What is up to me?

At first I thought I got my time or something, but I dunno'. It was stopped when I wipe it all away. And my mom didn't get hold of hers until she was seventeen...

And aren't period supposed to be just regular blood coming out?


How can i belt the yeast infection?why did i get it?i m verbs and i had no sex?

Welcome to womanhood!

The clear mucus stuff and the creamy stuff is vaginal discharge. This is cause by the hormones in your body. This is conventional!

The brownish red mucus is the first signs of your first period. This may ensue occasionally for a little while. Ask your mom if you can some panty liner to protect your underware from staining (if this happens use cold dampen and some detergent in the sink. It should come out beside a little scubbing)

I get my first period when I be 11. It doesn't always depend on inheritance. Embrace the fact that you are becoming a woman!

Go to this relation it will tell adjectives about your first term and what happens.

Good luck hun!

Bikini Wax guardedness!?

It is your body cleaning its Self out, every women has within own duche inside them, it cleans Them out when it has too, Dont be SCARED every i MEAN EVERY feminine Has it, Now if you had SEX after it might be An Ifection such as STD so...

5 days before my time of year, I had seriously of burning and itching in my vagina.?

That`s discharge usually before a Period

How oodles celibate singles do we have here?

The clear, muscus texture stuff coming out is certainly your vaginal discharge which is normal. While the runny unlit brown or red stuff coming out maay be your period, or it may even be bleedinng from your vagina. It is everyday for a thirteen year old girl to come your extent. However, you may want to consult your gynaecologist for better advice. Take vigilance :)

I 'm going for a colposcopy. Should i be scared?

It may if truth be told be you r period, i.e. getting ready to start, it doesn't situation how old you rmom be when she got hers, My mom be 16, and I was 11 everyone is different

I am really worried..Please read?

thats your first term :O) congratulations . . . Your at the right age...when you first start your periods will be irregular and desk light and just as you described. You may not own another for months but thats the start
Dont worry just about telling mum - simply tell her you conjecture you've started your periods and she'll do the rest

Going on Birth Control!?

Sounds close to to me that you are getting ready to start your length and just because your mom didn't start hers until she be seventeen doesn't mean you will, you can start it untimely then that .I be 12 in a partially when I started my period.And you do gain a discharge that comes out before you start your length.Have you discuss this problem with your mother if you haven't please do so agree to her know whats going on ,if you want to know for sure whats going on then own your mother take you to the doctor .Good Luck on finding out whats wrong beside you.

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be is usually a normal process back you get your interval. I had it for several weeks and BAM! I get my period.

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