Whats wrong with low blood pressure?

Twice when I have be to the doctor the nurses say my blood pressure is "rather low". They say it within a way that it sounds close to its a bad article. I have asked them to explain it but they really won't and merely say it's nil to worry nearly, But I would still like to know! From what it sounds approaching there is a reccomended continuum that is righteous for you to be in and I am slightly (not significantly) below that. Now I know high blood pressure is doomed to failure but can low blood pressure be bad also? And if so what usually cause low blood pressure?

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Low blood pressure can cause stopgap dizziness (especially upon standing after crouching), but other than this it's benign. Possibly it could rationale your extremities to get chilled like greased lightning, but this isn't dangerous any.
There is a range of common blood pressures. Blood pressure is regulated by a complex feedback mechanism involving hormones released by the kidneys, the adrenal glands, and your nonspecific state of fitness. Low blood pressure is something to be thankful for.

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I would close to to know what your blood pressure is in charge to answer your question effectively. Mine is low in a minute, but for years it was large. Mine usually runs about 98-108/54-60. It is better to hold it low. I guess if it's too low, there is a problem of want of oxygen being pumped to the brain which could rationale fainting, or worse. Also, the organs may not want to fully function from scarcity of oxygen and other nutrients. You have hear of kidney failure, heart downfall, liver failure, etc... those are risks. If you are robust, eat right, exercise, and own enough enthusiasm then to hell near what they say. You are fine, everyone is different. :-)

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There is a normal ranges of blood pressure. It it go below that range it could be desperate. If it goes above that catalogue it could also be bad. The more it go out of those ranges, the more at risk you are. Extremely low or high could be unsafe.

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