Substitute for tampons?

i think im going to hold my period on my break, but ive never used a tampon before. when i did try i can never win it, and i've tried manyy times. is there a substitute for tampons or is at hand no other option? also what happen if you wear a bad contained by the water?

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It takes practice. Get a mirror and put it on the floor and crouch over it. Take a devout look. Use a SLENDER tampon and just keep hold of trying until you get it. Read the directions over and over. Read them scrupulously. Another way to do it is this. it's goofy, but it works. Lay on your fund on the floor, then lift up your bottom a little and spread your legs. It open you up and makes it for a time easier to get it contained by there. Be far-sighted. Good luck!

Another option... Get the O.B. tampons that do not own an applicator. Use your finger to shove it in as far as it will go. Don't verbs about shoving it in too far. Your cervix will stop it from going too far.

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Don't chortle, get yourself a mirror and check out your anatomy. Read the instructions again that come next to every box. It takes a short time practice. Pads will not work in the hose; it would be soaked and completely ineffective as soon as you got surrounded by!

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bad as surrounded by bag? if so, dont do it!! you'll be swimming in your own fluids and so will everyone else. if you anticipate pad.dont do it any, the movement of the water will bring the blood to not land on the wipe yet stir every where else.

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You can use a menstrual cup. Look it up online.

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wear pads, i do it. dont travel in the dampen with ur time of year, too much hassle

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if ur hymen is still intact u won't be able 2 catch it in. Or u may merely not b relaxing enuff. U can try pushing ( like when u pee) and it mite relief u getting it in. If u where a wipe will might be able 2 c it, and when u catch out u have 2 devolution it ASAP cuz it can start to leek down ur legs. U could wear dark shorts contained by the pool JIC. I would also try using plastic applicator with rounded tips and start near Lites. they will be the easiest 2 get within. U can also try using a lubrication with the tampon, close to KY jelly.

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i enjoy tried a lot too. and it if truth be told does take practice. and thats adjectives i can say. and if you wear a wad in the hose down the pad in recent times sucks up water. not blood. but anyway. ask your mom for aid. all you can do is practice. and it also help to look at your vaginal area within the mirror to see where to put the tampon. and also construct sure you aren't on your first day. that can effect it to be harder to put a tampon in. accurate luck

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You could use the pill(If you grain comfortable with the belief of birth control pills) to skip this period altogether. Visit a doctor and ask nearly it. You take the physical pills during your vacation, this will stop your time on those days and stop taking them when you are back home so your spell continues. You don't have to maintain taking the pill after that and because you will only do it that time nearby should be no risk of any complications. Hope you find an appropriate solution and have an awesome time.

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If you wear a wipe in the wet, it'll absorb wet and won't do you any good.

Tampons are tricky little beasties. You might want to try a different position, resembling one leg on the toilet. Aim towards your lower back. There are different option, like the cup or the deep-sea sponges. You can order them online.

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