I'm having a laparoscopy subsequent week anyone had one what's it resembling?

The Gynie thinks i might enjoy Endomitriosis, they found cysts on my ovaries on an ultrasound would this be Endo or something different as well? anyway so am have a laparoscopy, will i be sore afterwards or is it no biggie? Also he said if possible he might remove something if he finds it. Is it other possible to do this with Endo. thanks

Can u receive a yeast infection from being really drizzling down there for a while?

My friend have one and she was self-conscious for a few days. You need to rest for a few days and after start back to usual slowly.
Good luck

Hope the webiste will help you.

Menstrual time of year?

Easy does it!

Brown discharge?

I had one two years ago, have a hysteroscopy at the same time (which is where on earth they put camera up the other place) You will be sore, I was stale work two weeks but was hope matching day of operation. You'll struggle to hike and you wont be able to bend for a few days, and a word of admonition, the must place gas into your stomach to look about and your belly swells up, I looked nearly 6 months pregant when I got home. If they do repair work could fluctuate, I had repair work done which be maybes why it was bleak. (just trying to be honest by the way not upset u senseless! :) ) - email me if you need any further info, obedient luck x

Is it abnormal for a 14 year prehistoric girl to not have their length?

i Had one a couple of years ago basically what they are going to do is burn of the infection you don't surface any of this you are anaesthetised, Don't be worrying as the doctor will only do what is needed, i have no pain afterwards but have to rest for a day which i didn't complain in the order of, also you cant have sex for a week remember you freshly have have an operation.

Um. girls only pls.?

Interesting sound out as I'm on the waiting list for a laparoscopy too. I've be told (by two women at work who have it done) that afterwards it's self-conscious and you can bleed - it kind of feel like a unpromising period. They suggested I win in a supply of sanitary towels. My Dr have told me I need to enjoy someone to take me to, and pick me up from the hospital if someone cannot stay in that with me while I hold the operation. They also said I should have someone next to me for the next 24hrs - 48hrs sooner. I'm planning on taking a week off work - in recent times to make sure I'm fully recovered and not at adjectives sore before I budge back. Good luck - I hope you carry the problem sorted out.

Dark brown blood?

I had a laparoscopy surrounded by October last year. They discovered I have polyps, endometriosis and cysts on my right ovary. However I had my laparoscopy during surgery to remove my ovary and tube on the right mitt side so I cannot tell you what it is similar to during the procedure as I was asleep.

Endometriosis and cysts on your ovary are two different things but my surgeon said that it is moderately common to win the two conditions together. Cysts can sometimes be harmless, I did not know this but every woman get them at a certain point in their cycle, they disappear again afterwards. It can depend on when they perform the scan, sometimes they see them and sometimes they don't.

It has adjectives gone wrong for me though and only 6 months down the queue the endometriosis is back and I presently have cysts on the other ovary so I am have a hysterectomy in 2 weeks time.

I may own PCOS, what does it mean?

Hi Jane

I have a Laparoscopy as well as other procedures contained by March 07. The procedure is carried out under common anaesthetic. I had two small incisions made; one in my belly button and one on my bikini string. They healed fine next to minimal scarring. During the procedure they fill your abdominal cavity next to carbon dioxide in directive to create more room to work in. This cause my stomach to be bloated for a couple of weeks, though everyone is different. I was given dull pain relief to thieve home with me and I needed it for the first few days as I be quite sore. The first dark was the worst and things get progressively better over the next couple of weeks. I lost closely of bright red blood post-operative and had a red/brown dischrage for roughly 10 days after. My first period be ok after the procedure, but my second (which I am on now) is exstremely painful and I own had to help yourself to co-codamol. In additions my emotions and hormones are a bit erratic. I hold been told this is usual!!. In my case I am starting Prostap injections and Livial add-back psychiatric therapy next week to counteract my doomed to failure endo pains and severe pmt. E-mail if you would like any more info. Hope this help.

I have my extent every other week now after losing my virginity. Is nearby something wrong with me?

Yes, cysts can be a constituent of dealing with endometriosis. I hold had 4 laparoscopies and the average taking back time is 1-2 weeks but it can take longer depending on how much work be done during the surgery.

Eat light for the first few weeks after surgery because your stomach will be slightly sensitive because of the surgery. I learned the rugged way in the region of eating too much even of solids too soon after my impressively first laparoscopy.

Please also rest lots during the first week of your recovery, and even at 8-12 weeks post-op please take care how much you do in the style of activity because even if you have a sneaking suspicion that you feel ably enough to do it it will set your retrieval back.

With headache meds (because yes you will be sore from this procedure) please take it on rota to keep the strain in check instead of waiting til you can't stand the backache. Waiting til you can't stand the pain is not when you want to lug the medicine because by later it's too late and one of two things could ensue: 1. a delay within the medicine starting to work or 2. not work at adjectives at that time. When the prescription says filch as needed for pain it ability taking it as soon as the pain starts but the best track to keep it from anyone a huge problem is to take the prescription on schedule.

Laparoscopy even though it is a minimially invasive surgery because of the incision size is still core surgery.

That's good that your dr will remove what endo he finds if he finds it which lead me to another point. If your dr says that you don't own endometriosis but still have equal kind of distress you did before the knees that doesn't necessarily mean that you don't hold it, it just finances that he couldn't see the endo that is within certain locations such as bringing up the rear the uterus.

To learn even more give or take a few endometriosis pls check out: http://www.endocenter.org

This is a question for BUTTERFLY (you answered one of my question a few mins ago!)?

i have read that laparascopy is not a biggie at adjectives but having a look at this website should relate you more about it http://www.ivf.com/laprscpy.html... i have a laparotamy because i had an ovarian cyst and that be open surgery but a friend of mine have laparascopy and she was out of hospital impossible to tell apart day

If its a whitehead do you haaave to pop it oooorrr?

I have one last October to remove Endometriosis. Afterwards I be a bit uncomfortable but I wouldn't utter in misery. The worst pain I have was within my shoulder due to the gas they pump in your stomach apparently. They laser the endo at alike time as doing the lap. They do insist on you to take a week rotten work. All the best.

How do i get bigger and fuller boobs?

i have one when I was 13, you do touch sore afterwards because they fill you up beside gas, I was stale wk for 2 weeks from my after school situation, like the others enjoy said thou its done in soon, no need to stay contained by hospital and you can pretty much get on beside life but you will be gassy. don't verbs and good luck, hope they sort your problem.x

I'm 24.Woman.My fuzz has thinned out because of Wellbutrin. Can it grow pay for?

hi, i had a laparoscopy contained by sept 2005, i had this done to remove my impudence bladder. it left me near very small scar and i mean small, the worst constituent for me was it mortal the stomach area u really hold to take it trouble-free for a few wks after. the op itself was fine and reclamation is quick. gd luck an do not verbs.

Help please help?

hi - your tummy will be sore for a couple of weeks - bring in sure you give yourself time to restore your health. you might find it a bit uncomfortable to turn over when you are within bed but overall its not too terrible. Cysts can be cause by endo - they take the cysts past its sell-by date when they do the op

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