It hurts when i pee...?

and it's very difficult to find started, sometimes it takes minutes. at first i thought I don`t know the tampon irritated it or something cuz like it's sore. i know an std could hold caused this but what else could it be, and exactly which std's own these symptoms?

...oh and i had exceptional discharge a couple weeks ago and a little itching but it go away on it's own.

Last nite i had oral sex for the first time and for some cause air started coming out of my vagina!?

sounds close to you have a obligation to see your doc and have himsend you to the lab for a urinalysis so he can prescribe the proper anti-biotic for you.
you also may own a vaginal infection that needs to be diagnosed by you doc so the proper medication can be prescribed for you.
Good luck and may God bless and preserve you safe and fit

Penicillin and pill?

don't jump to conclusions. this could be a urinary tract infection. Don't verbs. Drink lots of 100 percent authentic cranberry juice and you can buy cranberry pills contained by the vitamin section at the drugstore. Good luck.

hope it works out soon.....
save go to the doctor ASAP

I consider my mom has genitalliar cancer what do i do?

When you read aloud it is difficult to get started, is that when you own the desire to go or only when you are trying to go because you be aware of uncomfortable? When you senseless your bladder, is the burning up in your pelvis, like your bladder feel uncomfortable? There is something referred to as "honeymoon bladder" where on earth you have be very sexually influential and your bladder is sensitive. Do you have lower back/kidney nouns discomfort? You said it burns on the outside have you used a mirror and looked at yourself? An anomalous discharge could indicate a yeast infection, a bacterial infection and a few other things that need to be checked out. You could hold a kidney stone or a stone in your urethra.

Drink tons and tons of sea and pure cranberry juice. That will flush your kidneys and your bladder. Use a mirror and look to see if you are red or irritated contained by any way. Check to see if at hand are blisters or cuts (maybe you weren't lubricated enough the ultimate time you were next to your partner).

Play it safe, if it does not walk away in a year or two go to your doctor. I hope it is something minor and confidently remedied. (please forgive any typos or spelling errors, my spell check is not working)

Terrible irritation and lumps!! plz help!?

Pls see your dr to find out if you hold a UTI (urinary tract infection), if left alone too long in need treatment it could cause more discomfort.

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