Is it usual to get cramps while on your term?

I am just asking cuz I enjoy only get cramps like once or twice back I got on birth control and immediately I don't get any. Have be on birth control for 4 yrs now. But be just wondering roughly speaking that though.


Period pain?

yes, its everyday. i read in a robustness book that instead of taking midol or asparin, you could do light excercising or place a heat pad on your lower tummy. 8) hope that helped.

Plz women or girls with the sole purpose..?

It's normal to enjoy cramps, and it's normal to not own cramps. Everyone is different.

"Aunt Flo" questions?


Does this propose anything?

Yes, birthcontrol seems to lessen or destroy the cramping we often surface prior to or during menstruation. The cramping is caused by the contraction of the uterus trying to stamp out the shedded membrane. It is normal to get the impression. I'm not sure why they go away when one is on the pill

Ladies: do you gain shipment before/during your period, and if so, when does it run away?

tottally normal, some bring em, some dont... i dont but alot of my friends do.

Why whenever your cycle comes down your stomach cramps?

It is very adjectives to have cramps but the birth control pills are keeping yours at sound. It may be that when you stop taking the pill the cramps will come back. Keep within mind that as you age your body just change. I had cramps,afterwards I didn't have them. After my concluding baby they come back. Go amount.

Birth control pills are known to cut back on cramps and bleeding ,so enjoy it while it last.

What causes vaginal ulceration besides tampon use?


My cl it hurts when my bf touches it what can i do give or take a few it?

Its normal, don't verbs about it.

Tuberculosis shot during pregnancy?


Mmm. how do i word this? is it common to get hose up your vagina when you go swimming?


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