Period backache?

really bad extent pain to the extent that i cant stop throwing up! its so unpromising, its like a constant dull tenderness in the lower pelvis and belly, & also my back, & a sharp stabbing dull pain, it lasts similar to that for about 3 days. Anyone hold any suggestions to help beside this, i've been on the pill and it did nought for me, not even reggulate or change anything so that didn't help out at all. the other entity i wanted to know be if Endometriosis was inherent? my mother had it really fruitless growing up.


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You can get the coil that have a slow release hormone in it, they are suppose to be pretty apt, you get pains because when you come on etc it is the egg coming down the f/tube thats what my doctor told me. I tried the coil it did sustain with the pain/regulate but I be having problems & have to have mine removed. You enjoy to see the doctor about getting these fitted

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while the torment do you rest down and have a hot dampen bottle on top of your stomach?
except try it out
hope youll be fine

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Endometriosis tends to run contained by families. You nouns like you are totally miserable. If you haven't be diagnosed with Endo, you would be economically advised to give the name your doctor. You do not need to suffer similar to this. This is awful...

You need a thorough check up to formulate sure that Endo is not the only culprit here. In my luggage, a thorough pelvic exam and an abdominal ultrasound, let the doctor's know exactly how to treat me. Since I be beyond child bearing age, I chose hysterectomy. I basically couldn't bear the monthly misery any longer. Thank goodness I be at the age that I could make a decree not to go through this anymore.

If you are still infantile, of course, this treatment is NOT for you. If it is Endo, near are some helpful treatments out at hand for you. The only time the Endo seem to totally abate, is when you are carrying a child. Unless you are ready for such things this is lone a temporary fix. Please parley to your doctor right away. You don't have to suffer similar to this.

Best of luck to you

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