This is pretty crushing... (girls only)?

I have stretch marks around my breast nipples + round my thighs + lower rear + at the back of my armpit area...

what does this penny-pinching? PLEASE HELP!

Is it true that we become poor surrounded by studies if we own sex each day?please abet.i am worried?

Sweetey...i am sooo feeling you right now...two years ago i get horrifying red stretch marks between my legs down to my knees on my sides around the nips and underneath my arms...i was so where you are very soon...i went to a dermatologist and asked him if there be anything i could do...vitamins and creams and whatnot...i tried everything...nothing does what they say and you downfall up spending a lot of money...the only item i found that even remotely works is a cream called can find it in GNC's or on the network...they also use it for turned some scars i had white...anyway...I don't know how much you weigh...and i'm not trying to be unpleasant...i'm telling you sweetey i was purely where you are now...but i lost 45 lbs (go me!) and started lay out...the extreme red marks faded and the only ones departed behind were bleached by the sun...stretch results are a normal part of time and when you get pregnant youre gonna get more...lots realize that you're still handsome, get yourself in shape, throw on a'll make you feel better and look better...besides the sun is an amazing source of vitamins for your skin...don't believe adjectives the sunscreen ads...they just want you to buy their cancer cause creams...Don't worry, don't stress...'most' guys understand that you can't help out it...but take it from me losing the weight made mine evaporate...stay in will dance away...i've got the proof on my own body...good luck...and don't verbs...worry always make things worse...your body is just reacting contained by the only way it know how...

So is this adjectives a portion of my interval?

It doesnt mean you are fat! MOST every woman have stretch marks on her boobs! It means your skin is stretching so it could be from growing too briskly and your skin doesnt gradually stretch , that is why stretch grades on your chest is common, although i dont have them by my nipples they are kinda my armpit and turn down. Every woman is different. I was so emberresed when i first noticed mine but they fade w/ time presently you cant tell i ever had them , i used coco butter to backing prevent them they also have new stuff that prevents scar.

Is it possible to strengthen your bladder muscles?

I am not fat I wegh 123lbs and I too have stretch grades my most prevelant stretch marks are on my butt. i have pallid ones on my breast very light and on my legs.They are vanishing simply because I rub them with olive oil and palmers cocoa butter..also transport vitamin C, E capsules and ferrous sulphate (which is an iron tablet) or any iron supplementwhich aids in the uptake of vitamin C which heal dead and damaged cell..for stretch marks are damaged skin cell.drink lots of water to aid in the skin's elasticity so that the skin can regain its elasticity and my dermatologist is alot of work..but it is cost effectual,healthy and is guaranteed towork...good luck

Why do I bleed every time my husband i do stuff together ?

The single thing I can say is near has been a gradual swing in either substance gained or lose. Do you have any children? Maybe that's when you get them. But I do know that I have been using this grease spray on my strectch marks and it's helped tremendously.

Legal age..?

i enjoy them in the same places...its newly from when u grew a lot in a short amount of time similar to a growth spirt. a lot of people own them its nothing to worry going on for..they fade over time

Is it possible...?

Gaining to much weight or loosing to much weight swiftly can cause these...also bad nutrition,need of exercise...there is a cream called maderma that can relief you! find it at Walgreen's for about $30...hope this helps.

Period? (again..)?

if you're going through puberty it's completely ordinary - it's just where the skin stretches as you grow soon :)

Had a laproscopy 7 days ago and i have sex and i could obtain pregnant, would that be unpromising?

well it jst mean that your too big possibly overweight unless u got kids or pregnant

Painful Sexual Intercourse?

Something except pregnancy symptoms?
Serious breast grill. I really want a grown-up answer.?
What is.?
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