20 days late for term - not pregnant?
Hair down in that fix probelm..help?
1. Have another pregnancy tryout done at the doctors office. Some women never show up positive on home test.
2. If you're not pregnant, there could be another problem that's made your time of year stop. If you've been beneath extreme stress, or recently lost or gain a lot of bulk, that could explain it. But, make a doctor appointment to be sure.
Afraid the blood will progress trough my pants?
YOu want to see your GYN. YOu could possibly be pregnant but its unlikely that 20 days later you'd still enjoy negative blood work. Soem women do occassionaly miss period but I'd honestly get it checked because it could be a symptom of another medicalp roblem. IS this the first time it'sh appened? Best of luck to you.have the blood/serum pregnancy test done coz its really accurate. perchance you are just beneath a lot of stress. right to see a doc too..
Some of the things that wreak menstrual delays are:
Extreme weightiness gain or loss, endometriosis, pregnancy, stress, excessive exercise, obesity, dehydration, menopause, birth control method change, breastfeeding, medications, hormonal/glandular problems, drinking disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome, premature ovarian failure, perimenopause, digestive diseases.