What is the difference between a pelvic exam and a pap smear?

Are they different or pretty much the samething? Thanks!

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A pap smear is simply one theory test performed during a pelvic exam. It is a indication of cervical tissue placed onto a slide and sent to a lab to test for precancerous cell.

The pelvic includes the pap and a general exam of both internal reproductive organs and external genitalia for signs of problems or disease. The doctor will insert his/her fingers into the vagina, help yourself to his/her other hand and press on the belly to feel the ovaries, uterus, etc.

But when making an appointment near the doctor's office, if you influence you need to calendar your annual pap, they will automatically assume the pelvic exam or vice versa. The terms are repeatedly used interchangeably.

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A pap smear is merely one of many things that happen during a complete pelvic exam.

Here is more complete info on what a pelvic exam involves:

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Yes the pelvic exam and the pap smear are two different things.

The pap smear is where on earth they take some cell from your cervix to see if they are normal looking or not. It's a screening for cervical cancer.

The pelvic exam itself (which includes the bimanual exam, in picky when one is having their annual check up near the gyn for example) is to actually be aware of the organs to see if there are hoi polloi or if they are normally sized or hold changed in size.

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