Is my girlfriend pregnant?

We had sex with a condom, our first time.
After cumming, I took it sour. It was our only one so we soaked it within water, washed it and put it on again and go for another round.
After that, we tried with no condom but that only last three thrusts. Just to see what it's like.
A few days later, her length was supposed to come but it didn't. She took the morning after pill which has a 50% nouns rate if it's taken after 48 hours but before 72 hours. This was taken possibly 65 hours later.
With her period however to come, we went to the doctor and took a pregnancy test - 5 days after we have sex. It came up negative, but be told that if it hadn't come in three weeks to come and take another exam - seeing as how it was so soon after having sex it may hold been incorrect.

It's now be 8 days since we had sex, and her period is still however to come. What should we do? Just wait it out?...

I of late started birthcontrol & i've never missed a pill my time is SUPPOSE to come friday should i expect it?

this happened when I be young and I had unprotected sex near my now husband and he pulled out and I was so worried that I be pregnant that the stress I was feeling pushed my time way back... let somebody know her to relax and in a week she can take pregnancy examination just for good judge..

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Pregnancy can result in incorrect usage of condoms. Read the instructions is an extract of what that would say (paraphrased):
After ejaculation, repeal the penis while holding the base of the condom. Tie it, then dispose of it contained by the bin.

It's a single use device, and is ineffective the second time around, or at least far less decisive.
However given she was so close to her period, she probably was/is not pregnant. Still any of you could have caught a disease from each other.

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yes, basically wait.don't pay for any pregnancy test, its way too early.don't verbs so much, the morning after pill is good.It saved me from pregnancy, copious many times!it may screw up her period, so that's why she is late with period.

A really speedy interview roughly speaking pms?

Condoms are made for ONLY 1 USE!
I don't believe that in today's world, people can deed THAT IRRESPONSIBLE.
Yes, you have to wait. Probably, she have a delay and that's it, but you have to transport a test again.
Be more carefull next time!

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Stress, such as that experienced when a soul is terrified that she might be pregnant, can also cause the menstrual length to be delayed.

Is this true?

its quite unlikely shes pregnant, u can only achieve pregnant 14days after your period, and 14days b4 the next 1, this is call most fertile

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first of all... buy more than one condom! Second of all, the morning after pill is not supposed to be a form of regular birth control, third do some research on the pattern and learn how sex and pregnancy work before you start have it. Its a little more than in and out, repeat. A woman is infertile for the 14 days prior to her length. The egg is dropped during ovulation( around 12-16 days after her last period started, differs for every woman) when the egg drops contained by ovulation it only lives for 24 - 48 hours. Sperm can live inside a woman for anywhere up to 3-5 days on average. So to get pregnant you inevitability to have sex within that week of ovulation so in that is sperm there when ovulation occurs. Now even though it seem there is just a small windowpane, its Russian rullet to play these odds because stress, etc can throw off ovulation and you won't know that at the time. Chances are she is not pregnant and newly stressing out if you had sex only a few days past her period, but take this as a lesson and ask yourself if you really want to put that gun to your manager again?

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Any time you use a condom, and re-roll it, stretch it out, fingernails, your juggling your happy stable energy with BABY. Never do it. Just keep bearing too many with you, and plan, girls resembling that anyways, sporadic is, OK... I would like to tell you not to verbs, but, it's kinda a toss. It's not uncommon to have your extent a little late sometimes, everyone's different. But parley to her about the options, if you love her, you'll resolve what your beliefs and brains think you should do.

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Yall hold to assistance me beside this?
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