Why is douching impossible for you?

I have always hear this, but I would like to know what exactly are the risks? Thanks!

Answers:    It aggravates vaginal infections, pushes these infections up into your uterus and deep into your reproductive tract, which can make happen pelvic inflammatory disease and lead to infertility. There is no good rationale to use an over-the-counter vaginal douche!

Just to be specific, suppose you had bacterial vaginosis, but didn't know you had an infection. You merely thought you could make that odd smell progress away with douche like Summer's Eve.

If you use an over-the-counter douche, that can push the unpromising bacteria deep into your body, where on earth it grows and grows. Then your uterus and Fallopian tubes get inflamed from the infection. They start to fill up and clog near scar tissue. Pretty soon, things are so blocked up inside that eggs can't go through, or your uterus is so scantily damaged by the infection that it can't allow a baby to shoot. These problems are PERMANENT. The infection can also be so serious that you experience high fevers and desperate pelvic cramps. Then you'll have to be put in the hospital for treatment..
Your body make good bacteria down nearby that are naturally cleansing and keep things hearty. Douching kills bad germs but also the good kind. So it is frowned upon to douche. Your body cleanses itself fluently.
You should certainly wash down nearby daily, but don't douche.

your period it what cleans you out a douch can explanation some different infections because it cleans out the good bactiria as well as the impossible. doctors will recomend that you don do it... if you really want to douch use water to flush out dont use viniger or anything on the market at the store.. It have many risks... kills fitting bacteria along with doomed to failure ones. can interfere with the natural process of vagina cleaning itself and a typical pregnancy.

I just read this and it's so informative.. Give it a try. http://www.4woman.gov/faq/douching.htm .
No its not bad for you at adjectives, it just helps you verbs your insides after you period or sex. I personally consider your body is a natural cleaner and you don't need adjectives that stuff. Douching means sending water into the body through an instrument for cleaning the concerned organ, When douching is used for medical purposes below an expert's guidance, there is no risk.

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