I had surgery yesterday for adhesion and cysts on my ovaries. I am in some stomach-ache and am taking percocet for it

It relieves the pain but is making me itch. Should I send for the doctor to get something else?

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Itching is a common side effect near narcotic painkillers such as Percocet but yes you should call the dr to permit them know what is going on.

And pls try not to overdo on activity right immediately so that your body can heal.

I choice you well beside your recovery.

Late period & pain?

yes. he may be capable of give you vicodin, lortab, or tylenol 3 beside codiene.

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By all manner, those pills can be sold for a tidy penny.

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Absolutely. You may be having some sort of allergic spontaneous effect to the percocet. Call you doctor before it get worse!

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It is a side effect. If it bothers you later call.

Cloudy, unpleasant smelling urine.?

Itching is a allergic reaction to the medication. You should call the doctor and explain the problem.

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Yes you could have a allergic criticism to it. in the close-fisted time try taking aleive. I have a rod pin and plate in my leg and that help mine pain. I hope you quality better soon.

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I would send for the doctor no matter what because this itching may be a side effect of any the percocet or another factor you have come within contact with after surgery. Whatever the valise having an allergic recoil right now is not pious, definitely beckon the doctor.

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yes you should tell your doctor, i have those also after having a c-section and be going crazy itching, i just have a reaction to them, similar to i was allergic which you could be also..so yes you have need of to tell someone.

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Yes, the object is to trademark you comfortable. Your doctor can prescribe all sorts of other affliction relievers to help. He/she would be relaxed to help you. You are the lenient and they actually do carefulness and want you comfortable.

Dr. says she's trialling for PCOS?

Try just taking a partly of a percoset at a time and you will have smaller quantity itching. All narcotics cause itching to some scope or another. Drugs that would not cause itching but might or might not minister to with your torment would be ibuprofen, tramadol, tylenol, or darvocet.

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Yes, It is very crucial to let your doctor know what is arranged to you.

Post partem/ please help?

You can try taking some benadryl or Claritin along beside the Percocet but there are plenty of other anguish meds available that you might not react to.

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The purpose of the medication is to help alleviate your pain not bring discomfort. I know that when my wife had indistinguishable surgery she was given tyenol near codeine to ease the dull pain so call your doctor and see if here is another pain hired gun that they can prescribe so you do not have the uncomfort of itching.
I hope you surface better soon!

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