Period grill?

i've had discharge for a while very soon, and i just get my period yesterday, but today i singular got discharge again. did my term go away or something? becuz my friend once get her period for a week and didn't enjoy it again for another year

Answers:    no, that happens...its simply an irregularity...everyone has those.once i get my period 2 times surrounded by one month.than the next month i didn't take happens
as for your friend...there's something wrong in attendance, she should get that business checked out.
Your friend might need to see a doctor.
I deliberate you shouldn't worry. it could outstandingly well start up again... sometimes mine stops midway, nil to worry just about.
It maybe, Discharge is a method your vagina cleans itself, or your period might be just for a few days and that's it.

If you are worried I would consult a doctor...
Wow...well, near is just for a while information here to make a angelic answer. For one, how old are you? How long enjoy you had period? Is this your first one? Third one? Have you had period for 5 years? Knowing this is very momentous.

If you are young and this is your first term. Lord only know what it will be like. Oftentimes it is simply a smear, discharge like and consequently quits for months. Your friend is not too unusual.

Wear panty liners. Buy a carton of pads. Stick one within your locker at school. Otherwise, a panty liner is adjectives you should need when you originate your period on the first light of day you begin it because you will not commence with a rush on the first hours of daylight the first time.

Be patient. All will evolve at the right time. Meanwhile, us women put up with an awful lot of stuff we don't recognize the first time around. Hang in at hand.

I am an RN
Does your friend take pills? That might be an issue... Sometimes your spell goes away for awhile.. possibly 2-3 days... but it doesn't mean it stopped! Lots of things can effect your cycle, approaching stress, diet, level of hobby. Don't worry roughly speaking it. Make sure you are using your calendar to keep track of your period. (when you start and stop) usually the first years of a young woman's cycle can be irregular. Just kind sure you're keeping track, if you begin to see like mad of inconsistency you could go see a gynecologist to backing curb any fears you have. Any information you can grant the doctor ( like a time table) will relief them answer your questions and plus it will generate you look very become fully grown and "in touch" near your womanliness. :0)
Your first period will not be regular. I doubt there is anything wrong, you don't requirement to see a doctor at this point for that. Your period may pinch up to 2 years to become "normal".

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