Hysterectomy grill?

I have minor descent of my uterus and my doctor is saw that I should just enjoy a hysterectomy, I am 49, no other problems; she said that a pelvic reconstruct where on earth they leave within the uterus but support it with a move up has a soaring failure rate; any experiences out within with any one; how were you post hysterectomy, problems, concerns etc; I plan on lifeless onto mine as long as I can since I don't have any other symptoms; I do hold to have minor excision of a small growth on my cervix which grew due to a doctor error some 25 years ago when he punctured my cervix wall during a d&c and immediately through the course of the years has grown within that area and the extra growth desires to be removed; your experiences?? Thanks

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I had to hold a hysterectomy before I turned 30 (medical reason: tipped uterus which caused excruciating pain). I hold not suffered any problems since then. I am presently 54 years old. If you are not surrounded by pain, and enjoy no other problems, then keep hold of it.

What are the best clothes to wear during your menstrual cycle.?

i got one at 43 and realy pious

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