What does this indicate?

what does it mean when clear jelly stuff comes out of the vrigna ?

Can i acquire my tubes tied through a laproscopy procedure or vaginally? or how can i get this done efficient & quick?

Clear jelly stuff close to egg whites is a sign of ovulation.

My boobs are hurting what should i do to make them grain better?

That you body is cleansing its self. Just like if you be to do a douse.

Wat to do if u hav frequent thoughts about sex?

You hold an infection make an appointment next to your womans centre or doctor

Using a tampon and doesnt surface comfortable?

If it is yellowish and has fruitless smell it is inflammation and needs medication, walk to the doctor to have treatment. If not do not verbs.

Can coming off the pill grounds bloathing?

Lube your ready for love

What big-hearted of things does your bf do with your breast?

that your not fertile at the time. it's a inherent discharge

Please! i want it so much!?

means u r ovulating.
i.e. your ovary released egg/ ovum.
it takes place contained by the middle of the menstrual cycle
it's the fertile period for a woman. for conceiving babies.
or did you want to know the biochem contents??

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